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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

System Dynamics Approach for Water Resource Management: A Case Study of the South Gobi, Mongolia

Authors : Badarch Ayurzana, Ariya Elbegjargal, Gansukh Batzorig

Published in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The South Gobi region of Mongolia has had considerable mining growths, particularly in the recent 20 years, which has sparked social, economic and environmental changes in the region. The South Gobi region's ability to sustain economic growth is heavily reliant on its water resources. With the aid of its nonrenewable groundwater resources, the area has been able to meet the water needs of this rapid development and plans to do so in the future. However, in order to sustain regional development and meet the water-related objectives of Vision 2050: Mongolia's Long-Term Development Policy in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and goal 13: Climate Action and the Impact of Climate Change, it is necessary to practice long-term adaptation and careful water management. Using the method of a system dynamic model for water management oriented with stakeholders, the water demands of this region with potential management and measure actions are examined based on historical water data that is already accessible. The dynamic system model for water management predicts that the South Gobi region's groundwater supplies could not be sufficient to satisfy their needs after 2032. The key to reducing future water threats and preserving the inuque water resources in the region is the long-distance water transfer projects, innovative solutions for effective water use, and improved management with a locally managed research and management center.

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System Dynamics Approach for Water Resource Management: A Case Study of the South Gobi, Mongolia
Badarch Ayurzana
Ariya Elbegjargal
Gansukh Batzorig
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore