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Open Access 2024 | Open Access | Book

System Lightweight Design for Aviation


About this book

This open access book presents technologies and methods of lightweight system design to support future low-emission aviation in achieving climate targets. It will be shown how reduction of weight and aerodynamic drag affects the energy consumption of commercial aircraft and what characterizes lightweight system design. Methods, design principles, production technologies and options for functional integration are available for more energy-efficient aircraft. Research results from the last decade are presented, which are intended to encourage the reader to further research and, above all, to implement them in future aircraft.

Table of Contents


Open Access

Chapter 1. Motivation
Alternatives to kerosene as an energy source are currently being discussed for minimum-emission—ideally zero-emission—aviation. However, their availability is likely to be limited, they will be expensive, and, according to current knowledge, they will not be completely emission-free. Energy-saving technologies for future commercial aircraft will therefore play a major role in achieving the goal.
Martin Wiedemann

Open Access

Chapter 2. Classic Lightweight Design
Along the process chain, Fig 1.3, new materials, better material properties, improved and more accurate design methods, new design concepts, new joining technologies, more efficient production technologies, and new automated quality assurance processes make diverse contributions to optimised and more cost-effective lightweight design. The basis is carbon-fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP), Sect. 1.3, whose lightweight design potential can be exploited much more extensively with the research results cited below as examples.
Martin Wiedemann

Open Access

Chapter 3. Lightweight System Design with Integration of Passive Functions
Passive functions are not used for load transfer alone, as in classic lightweight design, but fulfil other requirements for the overall product, such as minimising aerodynamic drag, providing electrical conductivity and thermal or acoustic insulation.
Martin Wiedemann

Open Access

Chapter 4. Lightweight System Design with Integration of Active Functions
FC-compatible designs, structural bonding and the use of smart materials from adaptronics characterise the integration of active functions. In interaction with aerodynamics, lightweight system design can have a special effect by enabling hybrid laminar flow control. Furthermore, active reduction of sound transmission into the cabin or structural monitoring can be realised in an integrated way.
Martin Wiedemann
System Lightweight Design for Aviation
Martin Wiedemann
Copyright Year
Electronic ISBN
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