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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Taking a Holistic Approach in Training and Educating Knowmads and Daredevils of the 21st Century

Authors : Saskia Harkema, Florentin Popescu

Published in: Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Our world is changing rapidly. What was mainstream is rapidly being replaced by a new socio-economic order which renders our traditional teaching and learning models outdated and even obsolete. The “Millennial Generation”, who has been exposed to technology and innovation from an early age, has now started higher education programmes at different Universities. Research papers suggest that the Millennial Generation present new characteristics to previous generations, which implies that for this new generation requirements and expectations of the learning environment are different [14]. We believe that applying a holistic approach to training and educating in higher education with a strong emphasis on the above mentioned topics may assist universities and academic staff in adapting to the demands of a new generation. In this paper we explore what the impact is of a holistic learning model on the millennial generation.

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Taking a Holistic Approach in Training and Educating Knowmads and Daredevils of the 21st Century
Saskia Harkema
Florentin Popescu
Copyright Year

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