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Published in: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 3/2011

01-03-2011 | Review Article

Technical overview of the equivalent static loads method for non-linear static response structural optimization

Author: Gyung-Jin Park

Published in: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | Issue 3/2011

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Linear static response structural optimization has been developed fairly well by using the finite element method for linear static analysis. However, development is extremely slow for structural optimization where a non linear static analysis technique is required. Optimization methods using equivalent static loads (ESLs) have been proposed to solve various structural optimization disciplines. The disciplines include linear dynamic response optimization, structural optimization for multi-body dynamic systems, structural optimization for flexible multi-body dynamic systems, nonlinear static response optimization and nonlinear dynamic response optimization. The ESL is defined as the static load that generates the same displacement field by an analysis which is not linear static. An analysis that is not linear static is carried out to evaluate the displacement field. ESLs are evaluated from the displacement field, linear static response optimization is performed by using the ESLs, and the design is updated. This process proceeds in a cyclic manner. A variety of problems have been solved by the ESLs methods. In this paper, the methods are completely overviewed. Various case studies are demonstrated and future research of the methods is discussed.

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Technical overview of the equivalent static loads method for non-linear static response structural optimization
Gyung-Jin Park
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Published in
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization / Issue 3/2011
Print ISSN: 1615-147X
Electronic ISSN: 1615-1488

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