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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Techno-Economic Assessment of Energy Efficiency in a Building at the Technical University of Manabí (Portoviejo, Ecuador)

Authors : Jorge Milton Velepucha Sánchez, Ramona Panchana, Ángel Rafael Arteaga Linzan, Jose Gregorio Zevallos Cobeña, Daniel Delgado

Published in: Towards Low and Positive Energy Buildings

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The techno-economic assessment of energy efficiency in a university teaching building was conducted to analyse the feasibility of investments in energy optimization improvements within this educational environment. This evaluation focused not only on reducing energy consumption but also on optimizing available energy resources. The methodology involved an energy analysis, performance simulations, and a detailed economic analysis, considering initial, operational costs, and benefits throughout the building's lifecycle. The results aim to identify whether the implementation of efficient lighting systems, adequate insulation, and renewable energy sources can generate significant economic savings and a notable reduction in energy consumption in the teaching building. Additionally, the optimization of climate control systems was highlighted as a key opportunity, and the positive influence of incentive policies and financing in promoting energy efficiency in educational settings was acknowledged. It was concluded that investments in energy efficiency are beneficial both economically and environmentally for university buildings, contributing to long-term sustainability and the reduction of operational costs.

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Techno-Economic Assessment of Energy Efficiency in a Building at the Technical University of Manabí (Portoviejo, Ecuador)
Jorge Milton Velepucha Sánchez
Ramona Panchana
Ángel Rafael Arteaga Linzan
Jose Gregorio Zevallos Cobeña
Daniel Delgado
Copyright Year