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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Technological Advances in Leachate Leakage Detection and Monitoring in Landfill Area—A Review

Authors : H. R. Rashmi, G. V. Rathnamala, M. N. Vathsala, R. M. Ashwini

Published in: Advances in Environmental Sustainability, Energy and Earth Science

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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For the betterment of public health and environmental preservation, technological advancements in leachate leakage monitoring and detection in landfill regions are becoming more and more important. The liquid that results from water interacting with waste products in landfills is known as leachate, and it may include toxic compounds and other contaminants. In order to stop groundwater pollution and environmental deterioration, leachate leak detection and monitoring are crucial. Although landfills are essential locations for disposing of trash, there are serious environmental dangers associated with them because of the possibility of leachate leaks, which can damage soil and water supplies. In order to reduce these environmental risks, leachate leakage must be effectively detected and monitored. The primary technique used in traditional leachate detection methods was manual sampling and analysis, which frequently had drawbacks in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and real-time monitoring capabilities. But as more sophisticated technologies have become available, such as remote sensing, geophysical surveys, and sensor networks, the way that leachate leakage is found and tracked has changed dramatically. The technical advancements in leachate leak detection and monitoring in landfill regions are highlighted in this abstract.

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Technological Advances in Leachate Leakage Detection and Monitoring in Landfill Area—A Review
H. R. Rashmi
G. V. Rathnamala
M. N. Vathsala
R. M. Ashwini
Copyright Year