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Ternary RCS reduction metasurface based on a parallel resonance circuit

Authors: Yubiao Du, Min Hu, Weidong Guo, Juan Xu

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 3/2023

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A new idea is proposed for a radar cross section (RCS) reduction metasurface, which consists of three types of artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) units. Using resonance circuit and transmission line theory, the reactance expression of an ideal AMC unit with a destructive phase difference is derived. First, the parallel LC resonant circuit that conforms to the reactance expression is designed. Taking the resonant circuit as the equivalent circuit of the unit, the AMC unit corresponding to the circuit model is obtained. Then there is a destructive phase difference (180° ± 37°) between the designed AMC units. Secondly, the phase difference frequency band is expanded from 11.5–17.25 GHz to 7.25–17.25 GHz by adding the AMC3 unit. Finally, three AMC3 cells are arranged into metasurfaces in a new triangular arrangement, and the metasurface achieves RCS reduction at 6.5–16.7 GHz.

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Ternary RCS reduction metasurface based on a parallel resonance circuit
Yubiao Du
Min Hu
Weidong Guo
Juan Xu
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137