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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Testing Robots Using CSP

Authors : Ana Cavalcanti, James Baxter, Robert M. Hierons, Raluca Lefticaru

Published in: Tests and Proofs

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper presents a technique for automatic generation of tests for robotic systems based on a domain-specific notation called RoboChart. This is a UML-like diagrammatic notation that embeds a component model suitable for robotic systems, and supports the definition of behavioural models using enriched state machines that can feature time properties. The formal semantics of RoboChart is given using tock-CSP, a discrete-time variant of the process algebra CSP. In this paper, we use the example of a simple drone to illustrate an approach to generate tests from RoboChart models using a mutation tool called Wodel. From mutated models, tests are generated using the CSP model checker FDR. The testing theory of CSP justifies the soundness of the tests.

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Testing Robots Using CSP
Ana Cavalcanti
James Baxter
Robert M. Hierons
Raluca Lefticaru
Copyright Year

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