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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Business of Digital Twins

Authors : Larry Schmitt, David Copps

Published in: The Digital Twin

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Digital Twin adoption has reached an inflection point where their growth is now exponential. They will affect every individual and every enterprise in ways that are predictable and in ways that are unexpected. For an enterprise, their existence and use will affect all stakeholders: changing customers experiences, disrupting established business models, and transforming an enterprise’s operations, sales & marketing, R&D and innovation, strategy, governance, and everything that affects an enterprise’s success. Consider the following:
  • The Digital Twin supply chain is rapidly expanding and evolving. Digital Twins are becoming much easier to create, use and integrate with startups playing a major role.
  • The combination of digital twins and artificial intelligence is creating complex and dynamic twins that ‘understand’ the world in ways that humans alone cannot comprehend.
  • Intelligent digital twins will self-modify and evolve independent of human intervention. The outcomes will be unexpected and significant.
  • These intelligent Digital Twins will disrupt and transform every existing business model and make new ones possible that create new types of value.
  • A digital first future could eventually emerge in which virtual Digital Twin and Metaverse assets are the primary source of value, and the physical/real world is secondary.
This chapter discusses how Digital Twins, and the digital twin ecosystem, changes what we know about the creation of value. It discusses the changes that digital twins cause in value propositions, business models, artifacts, experiences and how enterprises and individuals influence each other. It covers how Digital Twins can transform markets and marketplaces, channels and supply chains, offerings, and operations. More importantly, this chapter discusses a future in which the relationship between the digital and physical worlds will fundamentally alter the value that individuals and enterprises create and consume.

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The Business of Digital Twins
Larry Schmitt
David Copps
Copyright Year

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