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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

72. The Digital Technology Integration in Fine Arts: A Qualitative Study of Printmaking Practice in the Indian Art Education Scenario

Authors : Partha Dutta, Ritwij Bhowmik

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Comprehensive printmaking could bring massive breakthroughs in traditional printmaking, which increases the path for artistic expression. However, many argue this loss of the original intent of printmaking and bodily attachment. Although, a thorough literature survey of existing publications and experimental artistic practices shows that many artists are exploring their print work with digital intervention and have received high artistic achievements. In the Indian context, the academic practice of printmaking is based mainly on conventional mediums. Regardless, there are many attempts to develop hybrid printmaking techniques. This current study conducted semi-structured interviews with college professors and professional printmaking artists to understand printmaking as an art educational tool. The collected data pointed to fundamental issues of experimental printmaking practice and research-related comprehensive understanding. This study discusses the combination of printing technology, their relationship, and the potential for expanding printing technology. The semi-structured interview helped to understand current printmaking practices in the colleges of India. By analysing the discussion and studio visit experience, the researcher is trying to discover the possibilities of incorporating digital technology with conventional mediums and how this comprehensive technology encourages practitioners to dive into more diversified art.

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The Digital Technology Integration in Fine Arts: A Qualitative Study of Printmaking Practice in the Indian Art Education Scenario
Partha Dutta
Ritwij Bhowmik
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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