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2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The EASEL Project: Towards Educational Human-Robot Symbiotic Interaction

Authors : Dennis Reidsma, Vicky Charisi, Daniel Davison, Frances Wijnen, Jan van der Meij, Vanessa Evers, David Cameron, Samuel Fernando, Roger Moore, Tony Prescott, Daniele Mazzei, Michael Pieroni, Lorenzo Cominelli, Roberto Garofalo, Danilo De Rossi, Vasiliki Vouloutsi, Riccardo Zucca, Klaudia Grechuta, Maria Blancas, Paul Verschure

Published in: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper presents the EU EASEL project, which explores the potential impact and relevance of a robot in educational settings. We present the project objectives and the theorectical background on which the project builds, briefly introduce the EASEL technological developments, and end with a summary of what we have learned from the evaluation studies carried out in the project so far.

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The EASEL Project: Towards Educational Human-Robot Symbiotic Interaction
Dennis Reidsma
Vicky Charisi
Daniel Davison
Frances Wijnen
Jan van der Meij
Vanessa Evers
David Cameron
Samuel Fernando
Roger Moore
Tony Prescott
Daniele Mazzei
Michael Pieroni
Lorenzo Cominelli
Roberto Garofalo
Danilo De Rossi
Vasiliki Vouloutsi
Riccardo Zucca
Klaudia Grechuta
Maria Blancas
Paul Verschure
Copyright Year

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