1 Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been drawing increasing attention in both academic and policy circles, due to its disruptive nature and enormous growth potential (Agrawal et al.
2019; Buarque et al.
2020; European Commission
2018). AI can be relevant to any intellectual task performed by machines (Russell and Norvig
2010). In this sense, AI is expected to have a pervasive role in the economy. Scholars have emphasized the potential of AI as the next general purpose technology (GPT),
1 and how AI could revolutionize the economy by penetrating and transforming a wide range of sectors (Agrawal et al.
2019; Brynjolfsson et al.
2019; Cockburn et al.
2019; Trajtenberg
2019). From a regional perspective, the diffusion of AI entails new opportunities for a region to expand its technological portfolio and create new growth paths, which matters for the region’s structural change and long-term sustainable development.
What drives the emergence of new technologies or growth paths in a region has been one of the core topics in the field of evolutionary economic geography (Boschma and Frenken
2006). This strand of literature approaches regional diversification as a process of regional branching: New technologies or activities are more likely to emerge in a region when they are related to the preexisting local capabilities (Frenken and Boschma
2007; Boschma
2017). Technological relatedness is argued to capture cognitive proximity which, along with other dimensions such as geographical or institutional proximity, could facilitate knowledge diffusion within regions and thus explain why related technological activities are more likely to emerge (Rigby
2015; Boschma
2017). This group of research has often focused on the average effects of technological relatedness. However, the importance of technological relatedness may differ by types of preexisting technologies. Technological evolution is argued to be driven by a few GPTs (Bresnahan and Trajtenberg
1995). Following this logic, regions differ substantially in terms of technological and industrial structures as a consequence of previous GPTs, which sets the limitations to the emergence of future technologies.
Surprisingly, little attention has been paid to how regional branching is influenced by GPTs. GPTs have been emphasized as a key tool for smart specialization policy, as the diffusion of GPTs is believed to create new opportunities through the co-invention of applications (Foray et al.
2009; Montresor and Quatraro
2017). Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are widely considered the currently predominant GPTs, displaying an ability to spawn future innovations and having applications across a wide range of sectors (see, e.g., Basu and Fernald
2007; Cardona et al.
2013; Jovanovic and Rousseau
2005). However, our knowledge of how the technological relatedness of ICTs influences regional technological evolution is limited.
To fill the gap, this study aims to investigate how a regional knowledge base of ICTs influences the emergence of AI technologies in European regions. We argue that ICTs, as the currently predominant GPT, should play a critical role in breeding the next generation of digital technologies in general and AI technologies in particular. First, ICTs provide a knowledge base and building blocks that equip regions with digital capabilities and infrastructures to underpin the local capabilities of capturing AI opportunities. Second, the diffusion of ICTs unlocks new technological opportunities for AI and thus increases recombination possibilities for regional technological diversification.
Recent empirical studies have directed attention to regional diversification processes of newly emerging technologies, such as fuel cell technologies, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and Industry 4.0 technologies (including AI) (Balland and Boschma
2021; Colombelli et al.
2014; Feldman et al.
2015; Heimeriks and Boschma
2014; Laffi and Boschma
2021; Montresor and Quatraro
2017; Tanner
2016). Few studies, however, have examined the regional evolution of AI. One of the main reasons is attributed to the lack of appropriate data (Buarque et al.
2020). Over the last couple of years, EPO (
2017) and WIPO (
2020) have separately released methods to identify AI patents based on key phrase or patent classification code searching. Among the limited studies on regional development related to AI, Buarque et al.’s study (
2020) focuses on the geographical mapping of AI technologies in European regions and explores the role of AI in regional knowledge networks. They find that AI successful regions are more likely to be the regions where AI technologies are most embedded in their knowledge space. A study by Balland and Boschma (
2021) focuses on the regional knowledge production of Industry 4.0 technologies (including AI) in general. They find that a new Industry 4.0 technology is more likely to emerge in a European region if the existing technologies in the region are highly related to Industry 4.0 technologies. A very recent study by Laffi and Boschma (
2021) provides more direct evidence showing that the probability of the emergence of Industry 4.0 technologies is higher for regions that specialize in Industry 3.0 technologies. These studies concentrate either on the current position of AI technologies in the knowledge space or on the relationship between Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0 technologies in general.
The role of GPTs in technological diversification has been neglected in the extant literature. One exception is the study by Montresor and Quatraro (
2017). They examine the effects of GPTs by focusing on a group of new generation key enabling technologies, such as industrial biotechnology and nanotechnology. However, there has been no direct evidence exploring how GPTs influence the emergence of AI at the regional level. Particularly, to our best knowledge, to date there have been no studies that have explicitly explored which technologies serve as the main knowledge sources of AI technologies.
To explore how a regional knowledge base of ICTs influences the emergence of AI technologies, we built a dataset for the period from 1994 to 2017 based on the patent data from the OECD REGPAT database. We use the PATENTSCOPE Artificial Intelligence Index developed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO
2020) to identify AI patent applications. Following the definitions of WIPO and OECD, our study focuses on AI technologies within the scope of artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), where AI systems are defined as machine-based learning systems designed to accomplish a specific problem-solving or decision-making task with varying levels of autonomy (OECD
2019; WIPO
2019). To analyze the knowledge source of AI technologies, we conduct a citation analysis to identify the technological fields of the patents that were cited by AI patent applications. We find that instruments and ICTs are two major knowledge sources cited by AI patent applications. Among others, the importance of ICTs, particularly advanced digital technologies, has become increasingly significant over time. In the period from 2012 to 2017, ICTs have surpassed instruments and become the largest knowledge source cited by AI patent applications. In addition, we calculate the average technological relatedness of ICTs to a region’s existing knowledge base and model its effects on regional knowledge production of AI. Based on a fixed-effects negative binomial model, we find that a high regional level of technological relatedness of ICTs increases AI inventing. The effects of technological relatedness of ICTs are stronger for regions which have recently caught up regarding AI inventing.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section
2 briefly reviews the relevant literature and discusses the theoretical background. Section
3 describes the data and methodology. Section
4 presents the analyses and the findings, and the final section concludes and discusses the paper.
5 Robustness check
In the econometric analysis, we use the average density of relatedness of ICTs to a region’s existing knowledge base to indicate the regional knowledge base of ICTs. To check whether our main findings are sensitive to a different measure of the independent variable, we employ an alternative indicator, related variety within ICTs for a robustness check. Related variety is a measure to capture both relatedness and variety across activities in a region. The literature on regional innovation has widely discussed the role of related variety, such as related industries, in providing opportunities for recombination of knowledge and facilitating regional innovation and growth (Frenken et al.
2007; Neffke et al.
2011; Boschma et al.
2013). Following Frenken et al. (
2007), we calculate related variety within ICTs as the weighted sum of entropy at the level of five-digit IPCs within each three-digit IPC within ICTs, as shown in Eqs. (
3a) and (
$$RV = \mathop \sum \limits_{s = 1}^{S} P_{s} H_{s}$$
$$H_{s} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i \in s} \frac{{P_{i} }}{{P_{s} }} \log_{2} \left( {\frac{1}{{{\raise0.7ex\hbox{${P_{i} }$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{P_{i} } {P_{s} }}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \!\lower0.7ex\hbox{${P_{s} }$}}}}} \right)$$
where the subscript
i denotes a five-digit IPC which is exclusively under a three-digit IPC
P refers to the share of patent applications; and
\({H}_{s}\) refers to the five-digit variety within each three-digit IPC. We re-estimate the benchmark model and the models with interaction terms based on different thresholds. The results are reported in Table
Table 6
Robustness check: related variety within ICTs as the independent variable
RV | 0.135** | 0.118* | 0.102* | 0.119** |
| (0.0581) | (0.0617) | (0.0601) | (0.0589) |
RV*catchup | | 0.136 | 0.464** | 0.525 |
| | (0.170) | (0.229) | (0.337) |
Constant | − 1.240*** | − 1.237*** | − 1.233*** | − 1.232*** |
| (0.417) | (0.418) | (0.418) | (0.418) |
Obs | 1,591 | 1,591 | 1,591 | 1,591 |
Region fixed effects | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Period dummies | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Log likelihood | − 2748.2313 | − 2747.9047 | − 2745.9997 | − 2746.8949 |
LR chi2 | 1670.23 | 1670.89 | 1674.70 | 1672.91 |
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
From Table
6, we find that related variety within ICTs shows a significantly positive effect on AI inventing, even though with a lower magnitude than the technological relatedness of ICTs. The catch-up effects are only significant when the threshold is set up at ≥ 10. One explanation is that the variable of related variety within ICTs tends to capture the general composition of a knowledge base within ICTs. By contrast, the variable of regional relatedness of ICTs tends to capture the specific relatedness between ICTs and the local knowledge base. Another explanation is that we have many regions with missing values for the variable of related variety within ICTs. These regions have a limited number of ICTs and thus no variation in the share of patent applications between 3-digit IPC and 5-digit IPC. The reduced number of observations may lead to the insignificance of results in some specifications. Yet, even with the reduced number of regions, the sign of the catch-up effect is still positive across the specifications with different thresholds and the magnitude tends to increase as the threshold increases.
Recall that we use the broad definition to define ICTs when calculating the technological relatedness in Sect.
3.2. This may raise a concern about whether our findings are sensitive to a change in the definition of ICTs. To address this concern, we use the restrictive definition of ICTs for a robustness check. We re-estimate the effects of technological relatedness of ICTs without the interaction term, with the interaction term based on different thresholds, respectively. The results, displayed in Table
7, show that our main findings hold. When we use the restrictive definition of ICTs, both the magnitudes of technological relatedness and the catch-up effects are relatively smaller than when ICTs are based on a broad definition. This may indicate that what matters for the emergence and catch-up of AI inventing resides more in the ICTs in a broad sense than those advanced ICTs.
Table 7
Robustness check: based on the restrictive definition of ICTs
Ave_density | 0.381*** | 0.207* | 0.283** | 0.321*** |
| (0.112) | (0.115) | (0.113) | (0.112) |
Ave_density*catchup | | 1.871*** | 2.176*** | 2.503*** |
| | (0.337) | (0.487) | (0.657) |
Constant | − 1.257*** | − 1.223*** | − 1.231*** | − 1.234*** |
| (0.430) | (0.423) | (0.425) | (0.426) |
Obs | 1,864 | 1,864 | 1,864 | 1,864 |
Region fixed effects | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Period dummies | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Log likelihood | − 2888.582 | − 2868.3952 | − 2874.5569 | − 2877.939 |
LR chi2 | 1876.28 | 1916.66 | 1904.33 | 1897.57 |
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
As discussed in Sect.
3.1, we use non-fractional counting to assign patents to regions in the main analysis. A potential concern is whether our findings are sensitive to the choice of the counting method. To address this concern, we use fractional counting of AI patent applications for a robustness check. When using fractional counting, the number of AI patent applications is a fraction. To decide whether it is a catch-up region, we use three different thresholds to measure the number of AI applications in the recent period, ≥ p25th (the 25th percentile of the number of AI applications), ≥ p50th, and ≥ p75th. The results are shown in Table
8, showing that our main findings hold.
Table 8
Robustness check: based on fractional counting of AI patents
Ave_density | 0.323*** | 0.233** | 0.256** | 0.300*** |
| (0.0985) | (0.1000) | (0.0995) | (0.0986) |
Ave_density*catchup | | 1.650*** | 1.685*** | 2.885** |
| | (0.408) | (0.487) | (1.298) |
Constant | − 1.654*** | − 1.639*** | − 1.643*** | − 1.650*** |
| (0.422) | (0.421) | (0.421) | (0.421) |
Obs | 1,864 | 1,864 | 1,864 | 1,864 |
Region fixed effects | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Period dummies | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Log likelihood | − 1696.0398 | − 1685.9717 | − 1688.4793 | − 1692.1762 |
LR chi2 | 2153.85 | 2173.99 | 2168.97 | 2161.58 |
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
Because the variable of the population has missing values, to make use of all the observations, the model we use to test the catch-up effects in Table
5 does not include the variable of population. To test the robustness of catch-up effects with the population variable, we re-estimate Table
5 by including the population variable. The results, displayed in Table
9, show that our findings in terms of catch-up effects hold.
Table 9
Robustness check for the catch-up effects: including the variable of the population
Ave_density | 0.344*** | 0.418*** | 0.448*** |
| (0.120) | (0.118) | (0.117) |
Ave_density*catchup | 1.908*** | 2.174*** | 2.608*** |
| (0.377) | (0.549) | (0.759) |
Pop (log) | 1.490** | 1.366** | 1.393** |
| (0.669) | (0.663) | (0.662) |
Constant | − 0.990** | − 1.007** | − 1.011** |
| (0.418) | (0.420) | (0.421) |
Obs | 1,661 | 1,661 | 1,661 |
Region fixed effects | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Period dummies | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Log likelihood | − 2565.1502 | − 2570.7958 | − 2572.9098 |
LR chi2 | 1740.71 | 1729.42 | 1725.19 |
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
6 Discussion and conclusion
Through the lens of regional technological diversification, this paper focused on two specific research questions: how important ICTs are for the emergence of AI technologies and how a regional knowledge base of ICTs influences the knowledge production of AI in European regions. Based on the patent data from the OECD REGPAT database, our findings show that ICTs are a major knowledge source of AI technologies and that their importance has been increasing over time. We also find that technological relatedness of ICTs to a region’s existing knowledge base is an important predictor of the emergence of AI inventing in European regions. Especially, the effects of technological relatedness of ICTs are stronger for regions which have recently caught up regarding AI inventing. Our findings suggest that the local infrastructure and capabilities of ICTs serve as the digital base for the emergence and development of AI in European regions. Meanwhile, the development of ICTs itself also unlocks new technological possibilities. Both effects display the enabling nature of GPTs not only feeding new technologies but bridging possibilities for recombination.
The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, our study theoretically contributes to the literature on evolutionary economic geography by providing new insights into how regional branching is influenced by the diffusion of GPTs. Although technological relatedness and GPTs have been emphasized separately as key tools for smart specialization policy (S3) (Boschma and Giannelle
2014; Foray et al.
2009), few studies have investigated how GPTs influence regional diversification and development through the mechanism of technological relatedness. Montresor and Quatraro’s (
2017) study is one exception, which explores the role of GPTs in regional branching. They focus, however, on GPTs as a group of new generation key enabling technologies. This raises the question of whether the new emerging technologies can fully capture the two properties of GPTs. Our findings suggest that the role of ICTs may go beyond the advanced technologies but resides more in ICTs in a broader sense. Furthermore, our findings suggest that future studies could go beyond the few key enabling technologies and adopt a more holistic view to investigate the successive nature of technological evolution. In addition, we used citation analyses to exhibit how important ICTs are as one knowledge source of AI and how their importance changes over time.
Secondly, our study methodology contributes to the literature on regional diversification. In the recent studies that focus on regional diversification processes of newly emerging technologies, technological relatedness is usually measured as the proximity of focal technologies to the local structure of existing technologies. The proximity between technologies is specified by a “technology space,” which is usually developed based on the frequency of the co-occurrence of technologies in a specific relation, such as co-location in a region or co-classification in a patent. This approach is useful when the focal technologies are stable and mature. However, it may be limited when it is used to measure the relatedness of radically newly emerging technologies, particularly when they are still in the early stage of development. For example, the definition of AI is still fuzzy and has been updated along with the fast development of the field (EPO
2017; WIPO
2019). In the case of patents, the patent classification codes, such as IPC and CPC, might not have been updated to take full account of emerging technologies. In this sense, the focus on only the relatedness of AI technologies in the current knowledge network may not capture the full picture of its diversification process, as the proximity may not be stable enough to capture the full picture between AI and other technologies. In our study, instead of focusing on the role of regional knowledge bases of AI, we pay attention to the role of the regional knowledge base of ICTs. It is not only a relevant technology for AI inventing but also a mature GPT, which is more stable for capturing regional knowledge bases. This may provide a new view for those studies that aim to investigate the role of relatedness in the regional branching of emerging technologies.
Third, our findings also suggest some policy implications. As discussed above, our findings suggest that future regional policies may consider going beyond advanced enabling technologies and paying attention to the role of GPTs in a broader sense in regional development. In addition, past European regional policies on digital technology and AI have developed in parallel with one other (European Commission
2018). For example, e-infrastructure has been addressed in the policies promoting the EU’s digital future (European Commission
2016) and AI technology separately (European Commission
2018). Our findings indicate a close and successive relationship between digital technology and AI and thus suggest many initiatives or investment opportunities could be jointly coordinated and designed in future policies.
One limitation of this study is that we cannot include more time-varying regional controls. The regional-level statistics are usually not available for a long time period or are difficult to trace consistently over a long time period due to the changes in classification systems of regions. This makes it difficult to include more regional-level control variables than the variable of the population in our analysis. Even though we believe the population is a key regional indicator, which could capture or be correlated to the major time-varying regional differences, it is still possible that the results of our analysis are biased due to the omitted time-varying regional variables.
The new wave of technological change gives new momentum to the field of evolutionary economic geography. It may not only generate new academic debates in terms of how regions embrace the opportunities and challenges arising from the new technologies, but also influence the policy approach to integrate the role of technological change in future policy design. We hope this study will attract further studies to improve our understanding of the micro foundation of how GPTs influence regional diversification.
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