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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Factors Affecting Online Buying Behavior of Consumers During Crises: Literature Review

Authors : Maryam Shaaban, Allam Hamdan, Ramzia Albakri

Published in: Digitalisation: Opportunities and Challenges for Business

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The aim of this research paper is to understand the consumer buying behavior online during the crises. It is important to distinguish the factors that affect their online buying behavior. Many researchers have identified that consumer buying behavior is impulsive, it evaluates how emotion, thoughts and preference vary from consumer to consumer. Nowadays, purchasing any product and services is clearly different from the past-days and it is extremely influenced by digital marketing as a successful tool for increasing good advantage. The difference is that the consumers in the 21st century are more sophisticated, and better concerned with innovative technology and internet network. Whereas they search for any product and services detailed information easily and feedback from different consumers/users. In order to achieve in today’s world and the rapidly developing market, marketers need to understand everything about their consumers such as; what they want, what they need, what they work and finally how they want to spend their money and time. Many factors influence consumers in his/her decision-making process, purchasing behavior and the selection of specific brand or merchant. By indicating and understanding the factors the marketers will have good chance to develop their strategy to attract and maintain their recent consumers and potential consumers as a real strength to better meet the need of their consumers.

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The Factors Affecting Online Buying Behavior of Consumers During Crises: Literature Review
Maryam Shaaban
Allam Hamdan
Ramzia Albakri
Copyright Year

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