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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Factors Influencing Consumers’ Decisions to Purchase OTOP Products Through E-Marketplaces in Chiang Mai

Authors : Walaiphon Suphan, Nootchanat Pirabun

Published in: Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics and Related Topics

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This study delves into the factors that influence consumers’ decisions to purchase OTOP products through electronic commerce marketplaces (E-Marketplace) in Chiang Mai Province. It explores four key sets of factors: demographics, Consumer buying behavior through e-marketplaces, the online marketing mix (6Ps), and 5A marketing strategies that impact consumer behavior. The online marketing mix (6Ps) comprises Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Personalization, and Privacy, while the 5A marketing strategies include Awareness, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advocate. The binary logistic regression model is used to analyze these factors’ influence on consumer decisions regarding OTOP product purchases through electronic marketplaces. Our results, show the importance of personalization in marketing strategies and the role of frequency in purchases emerged as key influencers on consumer behavior. These insights can guide OTOP businesses in adapting their marketing strategies and product offerings to cater to changing consumer demands in an increasingly digital landscape.

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The Factors Influencing Consumers’ Decisions to Purchase OTOP Products Through E-Marketplaces in Chiang Mai
Walaiphon Suphan
Nootchanat Pirabun
Copyright Year