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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Growing Application Potential of Machine Learning in Healthcare Systems of Modernity

Authors : Reinaldo Padilha França, Rodrigo Bonacin, Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro

Published in: Sustainable Development Seen Through the Lenses of Ethnoeconomics and the Circular Economy

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Technology-related innovations come around the clock with new functionality, a new way of looking at the world, and getting things done. All areas are changing conceptions, and with health, machine learning is the landscape, which preserves its origins in the knowledge of related areas in artificial intelligence, such as pattern recognition and computational learning. Artificial Intelligence is the science applied in the development of technological devices that can simulate human reasoning and be employed in health, it provides benefits to hospitals and clinics concerning greater precision of diagnoses. Through AI, a larger database for early diagnosis is possible, associated with the data of patients in the Cloud, health institutions can process through this storage of patient information, assisting in the discovery of diagnoses. The benefits of Machine Learning in Health are related to reducing the time of diagnosis; the reduction exam costs, indicating the most decisive ones for obtaining the diagnosis; and even a doctor will be able to define the diagnosis more accurately and in a shorter consultation time, being able to serve more patients. For the patient, it considers the advantages of a more accurate diagnosis, with better monitoring of the evolution of the disease; superior quality of service, which is carried out in a more personalized way; the possibility of diseases detected in the early stages, understand how to prevent possible diseases. Thus, this chapter intends to offer an overview of Machine learning applied in Healthcare Systems, treating and exposing its success relationship, with a concise bibliographic background, explaining and distinguishing its technological potential.

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The Growing Application Potential of Machine Learning in Healthcare Systems of Modernity
Reinaldo Padilha França
Rodrigo Bonacin
Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro
Copyright Year

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