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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. The Hero and the Sherpa: Your Guide Through Life’s Challenges

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Joseph Campbell got it right. There is one universal path that leads through all of life’s challenges. In The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell, The hero with a thousand faces. New World Library, Novato, 1949), he introduces The Hero’s Journey. For five decades I have been a catalyst for social, organizational, and personal change, and I have been a change Sherpa. For much of that time, I have also been a student of the human dynamics of change. In this chapter I share the most important lessons on change I have learned through The Universal Change Journey, a transformation framework I have created based on The Hero’s Journey. This chapter can serve as your personal Sherpa as you create your change story, prepare for the journey, plan for the journey, take the journey, and live the new reality; it can also serve as a guide as you support others through their transformations.

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go back to reference Campbell J (1949) The hero with a thousand faces. New World Library, Novato Campbell J (1949) The hero with a thousand faces. New World Library, Novato
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go back to reference Gilbert E (2015) Big magic: creative living beyond fear. Riverhead Books, New York Gilbert E (2015) Big magic: creative living beyond fear. Riverhead Books, New York
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go back to reference Housden R (2002) Chasing Rumi: a fable about finding the heart’s true desire. Harper Collins, San Francisco Housden R (2002) Chasing Rumi: a fable about finding the heart’s true desire. Harper Collins, San Francisco
go back to reference McKeown G (2014) Essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less. Crown Business, Random House, New York McKeown G (2014) Essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less. Crown Business, Random House, New York
go back to reference Sluyter D (2001) The Zen commandments: Ten suggestions for a life of inner freedom. Penguin Putnam, New York Sluyter D (2001) The Zen commandments: Ten suggestions for a life of inner freedom. Penguin Putnam, New York
go back to reference Copyright 2016, Brian Gorman. While taken more recently than the storm, this is one of the sailboats that sank during Superstorm Sandy Copyright 2016, Brian Gorman. While taken more recently than the storm, this is one of the sailboats that sank during Superstorm Sandy
The Hero and the Sherpa: Your Guide Through Life’s Challenges
Brian Gorman
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