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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Hygienist Paradigm in Urban Architecture: Analyzing the Impact of London's Post-1666 Morphological Transformation on Disease Propagation Reduction

Authors : Raquel Vianna Duarte Cardoso, João Santos Gago, Juliane Freire

Published in: Proceedings of the 4th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This paper delves into the intricate relationship between the history of epidemics and urban development, exploring their profound influence on economic, social, medical, demographic, and architectural aspects of cities. Focusing on post-1666 London, devastated by a major fire followed by a meticulous reconstruction, this study investigates the consequential morphological changes in the city. Specifically, we aim to comprehend the role of this urban transformation in mitigating the bubonic plague epidemics prevalent during that era. By examining historical records and architectural adaptations, the article seeks to elucidate how the reconstructed city contributed to the reduction of disease transmission and to enhance it resilience. Furthermore, the analysis explores the lasting impact of this reconstruction on epidemic patterns. This research provides valuable insights into the symbiotic relationship between urban planning and public health, offering a historical perspective that contributes to contemporary discussions on resilient city development in the face of health challenges.

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The Hygienist Paradigm in Urban Architecture: Analyzing the Impact of London's Post-1666 Morphological Transformation on Disease Propagation Reduction
Raquel Vianna Duarte Cardoso
João Santos Gago
Juliane Freire
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore