3.2 Main Results
We now turn the focus to the main setting of the paper, when there is a moral hazard problem, i.e. the cost of high effort is positive, \(k> 0\). Any contract offered to prospective entry-level employees at \(t\) needs to satisfy two conditions. First, the participation constraint, which ensures that workers find it optimal to accept the contract. Second, the incentive constraint to ensure that the workers find it optimal to choose work rather than shirk. For both constraints, workers’ beliefs about the firm’s promotion strategy matter. For simplicity, we restrict attention to trigger strategies. This means that workers believe that the firm will stick to its promised threshold strategy \(\overline{y}\), as long as the firm has never deviated from it in the past. If the firm deviated in the past, then workers believe that the firm will play the one-shot optimal threshold \(\overline{\theta}_{B}\) described in the benchmark section above.
It is easy to show that the off-equilibrium strategy (when the firm deviated at least once in the past) is a stable sub-equilibrium. In this case, the firm has no incentive to deviate from the one-shot optimal threshold \(\overline{\theta}_{B}\). Any deviation will lower firm profits in the current period (due to a decrease in the expected skill of the manager), while future firm profits are unaffected. Future employees will not change their beliefs about the firm’s strategy, regardless of the firm’s actions.
Returning to the equilibrium path, let
\(|e^{h},\overline{y})\) be the probability that the worker exceeds the performance threshold and is promoted given high effort. Then, the participation constraint for each worker reads
\(\Pr(\)Prom\(|e^{h},\overline{y})\) consists of two parts. The worker needs to beat the threshold, which he accomplishes with probability \((1-\overline{\theta})\). Additionally, conditional on beating the threshold, he needs to beat the other internal worker, which he accomplishes with probability \(\frac{(1+\overline{\theta})}{2}\).
If the worker accepts the contract, then he receives the guaranteed flat entry-level wage \(W_{E}\) in the first period. In the second period, he receives the managerial wage \(W_{M}\), if he is awarded the promotion, and obtains the reservation utility \(\overline{U}\) otherwise. Since the worker chooses high effort (see incentive constraint below) in equilibrium, he suffers the cost of high effort \(k\). If the worker rejects the contract, he receives the reservation utility in both periods.
The other constraint is the incentive constraint to ensure that the workers find it optimal to choose work rather than shirk:
$$\begin{aligned}\displaystyle\geq W_{E}+\delta\Pr\left(\text{Prom}|e^{l},\overline{y}\right)W_{M}+\delta\left(1-\Pr\left(\text{Prom}|e^{l},\overline{y}\right)\right)\overline{U}.\end{aligned}$$
Regardless of the effort decision, each worker always receives the flat entry-level wage \(W_{E}\). However, high effort \(e^{h}\) increases the chances for a promotion because \(\Pr(\)Prom\(|e^{h})> \Pr(\)Prom\(|e^{l})\). First, with higher effort, the chances of beating the performance threshold \(\overline{y}\) increase. Second, the chances of outperforming the other worker increase. In return, workers incur the cost of high effort \(k\).
In the optimal solution, (
5) and (
6) will hold with equality. Thus, we have two equations and can solve for the two wage payments:
$$\begin{aligned}\displaystyle\text{where }\tau=\frac{k}{\delta\left(\Pr\left(\text{Prom}|e^{h},\overline{y}\right)-\Pr\left(\text{Prom}|e^{l},\overline{y}\right)\right)}=\frac{k}{\delta e^{h}\left(1-\frac{e^{h}}{2}\right)}.\end{aligned}$$
The managerial wage includes a surcharge \(\tau\) on top of the reservation utility to motivate high effort from a worker. \(\tau\) increases in the disutility from high effort (\(k\) increases) and decreases in the effort’s impact on the probability of being promoted (\(\Pr(\)Prom\(|e^{h},\overline{y})-\Pr(\)Prom\(|e^{l},\overline{y})\) or \(e^{h}\) increase). Hence, it essentially captures the size of the moral hazard problem. Since the surcharge is paid in the second period, it also contains the discount factor, \(\delta\). Higher patience leads to a lower surcharge.
The implied skill level to be promoted
\(\overline{\theta}\) does not affect the managerial wage. The reason is that effort has a constant effect on the worker’s promotion probability.
13 The firm’s promotion strategy, however, affects the entry-level wage via the participation constraint. If a worker anticipates a higher probability of receiving a promotion because the firm chooses a lower performance threshold
\(\overline{y}\), then the managerial wage has a stronger impact on the worker’s decision making (i.e. career concerns are higher). The firm can, of course, anticipate this behavior and offer both workers a lower entry-level wage, who still find it optimal to accept the offer.
Contrary, if \(\overline{y}\) is higher, the workers care less about the managerial wage because they find it unlikely that they will receive it in the future and the firm increases \(W_{E}\). This increase also causes the total compensation cost to rise because the firm has to pay the same managerial wage regardless of outcome. Even if the firm ultimately hires the external candidate, it still needs to pay the managerial wage.
It is further noteworthy that neither \(W_{E}\) nor \(W_{M}\) depend on the correlation coefficient \(\rho\). Hence, the cost of compensation does not (directly) depend on job similarity.
Next, we analyze the firm’s optimal promotion strategy. Its expected short-term profit from one generation of workers on the equilibrium path can be expressed as
$$\overline{V}(\overline{y})= 2\left(\frac{1}{2}+e^{h}\right)+\delta\lambda\left(\overline{\theta}^{2}\theta_{P}+\left(1-\overline{\theta}^{2}\right)E\left[\theta_{iM}|\underset{i}{\max}[\theta_{iE}]> \overline{\theta}\right]\right)-2W_{E}-\delta W_{M}.$$
The expected short-term profit is determined by two major factors: the skill of the employed workers and the cost of compensation. The first summand displays the output in the first period. Each worker generates cash flow of
\(0.5+e^{h}\). The second term displays the value of the output in the second period. Since there is only a flat wage in the second period, the manager cannot be induced to provide high effort. Thus, only the managerial skill contributes towards output. There are two possibilities. First, none of the internal entry-level workers exceed
\(\overline{y}\). In this case, which occurs with probability
\(\overline{\theta}^{2}\) (i.e.
\((\overline{y}-e^{h})^{2}\), see Eq.
2), the firm hires an external worker, whose expected skill level is
\(\theta_{P}\). Second, at least one of the workers exceeds
\(\overline{y}\), and the firm promotes the best-performing internal worker. In this case, job similarity between the entry-level and managerial job
\(\rho\) matters due to the possibility to update skills. If the similarity is low, then the firm learns little about the worker’s expected managerial skill level. Even though the firm can perfectly infer the worker’s entry-level skill due to a lack of noise, the entry-level skill provides only limited information about the managerial skill, which is relevant for the firm’s decision.
As a next step, we determine the firm’s optimal promotion threshold. We insert (
2), (
4), (
7), and (
8) into (
9) and take the first derivative of (
9) with respect to
The benchmark threshold,
\(\overline{\theta}_{B}\), from (
4) builds the foundation for (
10). As discussed in Sect.
\(\overline{\theta}_{B}\) describes the optimal threshold when the firm only focuses on the sorting function of promotion. In addition, the optimal threshold accounts for the anticipated effort level,
\(e^{h}\), as well as the relative importance of the incentive problem in relation to the importance of the sorting problem,
It remains to be shown that this threshold is a stable equilibrium. After all, the firm can increase its expected short-term profit by deviating from the equilibrium path and choosing the one-shot optimal threshold \(\overline{\theta}_{B}\). However, future firm profits will be lower because the firm will be forced to play the off-equilibrium path strategy \(\overline{\theta}_{B}\). Workers, after the first deviation, will then correctly anticipate the firm’s choice of \(\overline{\theta}_{B}\), which leads to lower future profits. A stable equilibrium is guaranteed as long as the firm is patient enough and discounts future profits with a discount rate \(\delta\) greater than some threshold \(\delta^{\ast}\).
In a next step, we analyze the impact of our main variable,
\(\rho\), on the promotion threshold from (
10), which leads to the following proposition:
The influence of job similarity on the promotion decision can be explained by the interplay between the importance of the managerial position, \(\lambda\), the external hiring option, \(\theta_{P}\), and the compensation surcharge, \(\tau\). The managerial importance, \(\lambda\), determines the impact of the sorting function of promotions. We show in Lemma 1 that more precise information either helps the firm to identify an above-average worker, if \(\theta_{P}> 0.5\), or it helps to identify a below-average worker, if \(\theta_{P}<0.5\). The former case constitutes a benefit of job similarity and decreases the promotion threshold [see Lemma 1 (ii)], while the latter constitutes a cost and increases the promotion threshold [see Lemma 1 (iii)].
In contrast, the compensation surcharge, \(\tau\), describes the cost of the incentive function. If this surcharge is high, the firm prefers to substitute the high monetary reward for the managerial position with a high likelihood for the entry-level workers to be promoted. However, more precise information could reveal a below-average entry-level worker, which renders the substitution less attractive. Thus, higher job similarity highlights expected costs of internal promotion and increases the promotion threshold.
When compensation costs are small, \(\tau<\delta\lambda(\theta_{P}-0.5)\), the firm reacts more sensitively to the impact of job similarity on the sorting function compared to the incentive function. This scenario only arises if the external talent pool is above average, \(\theta_{P}> 0.5\). In this scenario, the firm is concerned about falsely promoting an unsuitable candidate (type II error) and tightens the promotion criteria when job similarity is low. The contrary is true when compensation costs are large, \(\tau> \delta\lambda(\theta_{P}-0.5)\). Then, higher job similarity reduces the likelihood of falsely dismissing a suitable candidate (type I error). The firm can tighten the promotion criteria to avoid the costs of promoting a below-average worker.
When \(\tau=\delta\lambda(\theta_{P}-0.5)\), the forces of sorting and incentive function balance each other and job similarity does not influence the firm’s promotion strategy, similar to Lemma 1 part (i). In the benchmark case described in Lemma 1, \(\theta_{P}=0.5\) marks the point, where job similarity has no effect on the promotion strategy. This is now different since the existence of the moral hazard problem creates a preference for the internal candidates. Therefore, given that the average skill of the external pool equals the ex-ante skill of the firm’s entry-level worker cohort, \(\theta_{P}=0.5\), the promotion threshold is below average performance and job similarity always increases the threshold as in part (ii) of the proposition.
As stated before, these trade-offs arise only if the firm is sufficiently patient, \(\delta\geq\delta^{\ast}\). If the firm is less concerned about future profits, \(\delta<\delta^{\ast}\), it deviates from the threshold, \(\overline{y}\), and sticks to the benchmark threshold, \(\overline{\theta}_{B}\), instead. Then, job similarity affects the likelihood of a promotion as described in Lemma 1.
From (
10), we can also derive the following Corollary.
Concerns about compensation can be so severe that the firm completely neglects the maximization of the expected managerial skill, and only focuses on the incentive effect of promotions. Interestingly, the reverse of the corollary is not true. The reason is that we focus on cases where the firm wants to incentivize high effort. Therefore, absent any other incentive mechanisms, there must always be some probability of promoting internally. Furthermore, Corollary
1 relies on the assumption that the distribution of skills has a lower bound. If skills are e.g. normally distributed, then there always exists a sufficiently negative realization of skills such that the firm would not find it optimal to promote internally.
The results of Proposition
1 and Corollary
1 emphasize that there is not a single best practice for firms how to design the promotion strategy. However, if the firm had discretion over the job design of the entry level and managerial job, i.e. the firm chooses the optimal job similarity, it would always choose the higest similarity possible. The reason is that the conditional expected value for the mangerial task increases with more information, which a higher job similarity can provide. Therefore, a higher job similarity always increases expected firm value,
\(\overline{V}(\overline{y})\). Firms could design jobs more similarly by allocating more responsibilities to entry-level workers. The implications for the frequency of internal promotion would differ depending on the characteristics of firms: If compensation costs are small, internal promotion becomes more likely, if compensation costs are large, external hiring becomes more likely.
Besides job similarity, other firm and worker characteristics also influence the promotion threshold, which we elaborate in the following section. For a specific empirical discussion of the results, see Sect. 6.