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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Trust: Examining the Moderating Role of Job Security: A Study at the Jordanian Insurance Companies

Authors : Motteh S. Al Shibly, Sahar Moh’d Abu Bakir

Published in: Digitalisation: Opportunities and Challenges for Business

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The study aimed to examine the impact of Organizational justice in terms (distributive, procedural, and interactional justice) on organizational trust: the moderating role of job security at Jordanian Insurance Companies. The quantitative analytical descriptive method was used. 19 Jordanian Insurance companies participated in the study out of 22 companies operating in the Jordanian market. The sampling unit consisted of middle and first-line management, working at all the companies’ branches, a random sample of 360 was selected. For collecting the needed information and data the questionnaire was used, 360 questionnaires were distributed, and 319 were valid for statistical analysis. The main findings of the study revealed that there is a statistically significant impact of organizational justice on organizational trust, and job security as a moderator improved this impact by 0.077. The study recommended giving more attention to procedural justice and to enhance transparency and other corporate governance elements. The study recommended also fostering employees’ job security through engaging in human resources retaining strategies.

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The Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Trust: Examining the Moderating Role of Job Security: A Study at the Jordanian Insurance Companies
Motteh S. Al Shibly
Sahar Moh’d Abu Bakir
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