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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Influence of Global Warming on the Change of Climatic Loads on the Territory of Ukraine

Authors : Oleksandr Kordun, Anton Makhinko

Published in: Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In global warming conditions during the last sixty years, climate changes towards warming and mitigation have been observed in the territory of Europe and Ukraine in particular. Such changes can lead to a change in the atmospheric precipitation pattern and extreme weather events – very heavy rains, snowfalls, squalls, dust storms, and blizzards, the amount of which has increased significantly over the past decade around the world. The consequence of changing precipitation patterns is the change in climatic loads on building structures – snow, wind, ice, and wind loads under icing conditions. Because the pace of global warming in Ukraine is generally faster than in the world, specifying climate loads is an important step to prevent possible damage due to natural meteorological events, which is the most dangerous demonstration of climate instability. This paper is the summary of research carried out in 2021, devoted to evaluation of the change trends in climatic loads and the subsequent conclusion regarding the need to clarify the zoning maps, which should be applied during the norm setting of loads, for which a comparison of climatic characteristics for the main meteorological processes is carried out. It is proposed to amend the load values for snow and wind, which were set in the state building codes DBN V.1.2-2006 “Loads and influences. Design norms” and National Annex`s to EN 1991.

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The Influence of Global Warming on the Change of Climatic Loads on the Territory of Ukraine
Oleksandr Kordun
Anton Makhinko
Copyright Year