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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

11. The Journey of Career Resilience Among Women

Authors : Khadija Al Arkoubi, Geronda Wollack-Spiller

Published in: Personal, Educational and Organizational Transformation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Career resilience is the ability to bounce back and thrive in the face of workplace and life adversities. It plays a key role in enabling women to defeat hardships and create change in their lives. In this chapter, we explain why it is relevant to explore career resilience among females; we outline some strategies at the personal and organizational levels that have proven to assist women in enhancing their career resilience. Finally, we share stories of highly resilient women who transformed their careers and influenced other women around them.

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The Journey of Career Resilience Among Women
Khadija Al Arkoubi
Geronda Wollack-Spiller
Copyright Year

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