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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

11. The KISsing Game

KISs Are What Define Your Success

Author : Raphael H Cohen

Published in: Pre-Project Excellence

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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ISO 56007 mentions the importance of the definition of success in concept selection criteria but does not explain how to state such definition of success. The IpOp Model offers a concrete definition of the ‘Definition of Success’: it requires to define what success means for a project and how it can be measured through Key Indicators of Success (KISs). KISs define the purpose of a project while KPIs measure the means to deliver the purpose. It also highlights the need to define measurable Objectives and milestones based on the chosen KISs to monitor progress. In the IpOp Model the Definition of Success is the table that outlines the target Objectives over time for each Key Indicators of Success. Since this table expresses the measurable end-purpose/final outcome of the project, the Definition of Success helps Decision-makers understand what is in it for them. Serving as a contract between the project team and Decision-makers, the Definition of Success should give them enough reasons to allocate the necessary Resources to the project.
The IpOp Model furthermore stresses the need to also express the Definition of Failure (the minimum objectives for the project to continue). The Key Indicators of Failure, also known as Opportunity Terminators, can lead to project termination if certain thresholds are not met within a specific time period. While the Definition of Success expresses the ambition of the project (best case scenario), the Definition of Failure expresses the minimum below which the project should be stopped. The Definition of Success and Failure form an explicit contract between stakeholders, and particularly Investors, expressing not only what the project will deliver but also the minimum expectations. This contributes to stakeholders’ alignment at the pre-project stage.

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Mechanism reducing the percentage of the company owned by the founders with a corresponding increase of the percentage owned by Investor(s).
ISO 56007, annex C5.2.2.
The KISsing Game
Raphael H Cohen
Copyright Year

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