Today’s world is becoming increasingly more complex, fast in its changes, and, thus, obstinate in seeing to that human projections do not become a reality. Thought systems, which for centuries provided satisfactory expectations for the future of companies and humanity, have become obsolete and even prejudicial for their inefficiency, waste of energy and time, and for creating habits. This chapter aims to present the foundations and process for an alternative thought system (or metamap)—the Metamanagement Model—which, based on the Integral Metatheory (Wilber); theory of complex systems, Cynefin Framework (Snowden); and concepts such as antifragile (Taleb), sociocracy (Comte, Boeke, Buck, and Endenburg), holacracy (Koestler), deep democracy (Mindell), vulnerability (Brown), psychological safety (Edmondson and Kahn), and verbal human development (Kegan, Cook-Greuter, and Tolbert), dynamically and simultaneously act in three key dimensions of organizations, individuals, relationships, and systems, to promote evolutive transformations in systems for companies to pursue a desired direction. This text was based on bibliographic research, case studies of Consultoria Chie clients (Eileen Fisher, Kunumi, and Fazenda da Toca, among others), and author’s personal experience as an executive at DBM do Brasil, Natura Cosméticos, and Fleury Medicina Diagnóstica. The result is that the Metamanagement Model can help build companies that transcend the limits of organizations as we see them today toward more collaborative models, with ecosystems of multiple interactions that lead to the emergence of a fairer and more inclusive society.