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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Nature Smart Future—In Search for the Next Gen Innovation

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The 50-year history of innovation, 1980–2030, has seen radical changes from technological to human-driven innovation and will move still further towards human-planetary well-being as the future goal. In our current world of multiple crises, we have only one way out: Nature Smart Design, based on systems thinking and creative thinking, and supported by human-like AI, geodesign, circular design, biophilic design, and a regenerative approach. Through these multiple perspectives and collective wisdom, it is possible to create all things artificial: cities, technologies, transportation, urban food production, culture, and societies that are more resilient, sustainable, equal, innovative, and creative than before. The future Innovation Atelier is a new type of innovation hub with an exciting co-location and diverse groups of creatives. These multi-sector innovation hubs span a range of business models, ownership structures, and physical spaces. Their goal is to create an innovative working culture and environment where businesses of all kinds can learn from each other, make connections, develop new skills, and become inspired to reach the next level. Many of these hubs occupy iconic buildings, including museums, warehouses, train stations, and navy yards, giving new life to micro-localities that have lost some of their vibrant life and attraction. These future Innovation Ateliers are also a great way to explore new ways to express creativity and creative thinking at large.

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go back to reference Wilson EO (2017) The origins of creativity. W. W. Norton & Company Wilson EO (2017) The origins of creativity. W. W. Norton & Company
The Nature Smart Future—In Search for the Next Gen Innovation
Anne Stenros
Copyright Year