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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

The Peru-China FTA

Authors : Otto Regalado-Pezúa, María Rosa Morán Macedo

Published in: China’s Trade Policy in Latin America

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Peru and China was signed on April 28, 2009, in Beijing city and entered into force on March 01, 2010. Ten years after its implementation, it is possible to make a diagnosis of its impact on trade between both countries and propose some recommendations for improvement in the trade agreement. In this sense, this chapter has two main objectives: (1) to carry out an analysis and balance of the Peru-China FTA, focusing on the study of the main aspects in which the agreement has impacted during its validity, and (2) to take a look at the future of trade relations between Peru and China in order to optimize their use. To respond to these objectives, secondary sources were used, such as documents from business associations, academic articles, and official reports; as well as, primary sources, interviewing experts on international trade issues from various economic sectors (see Appendix). In the case of secondary sources, official figures referring to trade and investment between the two countries were also reviewed and analyzed, to corroborate and support the analyzed information with statistics.

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The Peru-China FTA
Otto Regalado-Pezúa
María Rosa Morán Macedo
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