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11. The Pioneers of the Spanish Travel Agency Business Before Mass Tourism

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This chapter analyses the first Spanish travel agencies within the tourism system that was formed in the first decades of the twentieth century. If we understand modern tourism as an industry, travel agencies began to be an important part of it. Since the end of the nineteenth century, it had been foreign companies that had operated in the Spanish market, but since the beginning of the twentieth century we also noted the appearance of Spanish companies. In this chapter we will focus primarily on two, Viajes Marsans and Viajes Cafranga, analysing their evolution until the early 1950s, that is, the years before the mass tourism boom.

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Banca Marsans was a family bank founded in 1892 by José Marsans Rof. In 1902, his son Luis Marsans Peix and son-in-law Francisco Casas Negre joined the company, under the name J. Marsans Rof e Hijos (translator’s note: J. Marsans Rof and Sons). However, it was not until 1919 that it became a Public Limited Company when new associates entered the business (Viajes Marsans 1986, p. 82).
1925. La Ilustración Financiera, February 22, and 1925. El Financiero, March 20 (includes the balance sheet).
1925. “VI Congreso de la Federación Internacional”. La Vanguardia, October 22.
This nationalist discourse would be reinforced even further after the 1929 crisis. See, for example, 1930. “El veraneo, el turismo y el valor de la peseta”. Nuevo Mundo, June 27.
Madrid Commercial Register, 3 September 1928, Sheet 60,680, 1st inscription.
1953. La Vanguardia, March 19.
1931. La Vanguardia, February 12.
1925. “VI Congreso de la Federación Internacional”. La Vanguardia, October 22.
1931. “El Congreso de las Agencias de viajes”. ABC, October 27.
Risquet. 1928. “El Congreso de Agencias de turismo”. El Imparcial, October 25. 1928. “El Congreso de la Federación de Agencias de Viaje”. La Época, October 25. 1928. “El IX Congreso internacional de Agencias de Viaje”. La Vanguardia, October 26.
1928. “El congreso Federación de Agencias de Viaje”. La Voz (Madrid), October 26. 1928. “Reunión del Congreso de la Federación internacional de agencias de viajes”. El Heraldo de Madrid, October 27.
1931. “La Federación de Agencias de Viajes de España”. La Correspondencia de Valencia, December 24. In fact, in the Provisional Regulations of the PNT, approved on 12 February 1932, it was established that the Federation of Travel Agencies of Spain was part of the General Council of Tourism, an advisory body of this institution. 1932. Boletín Oficial del Estado [Official State Gazette], January 14, pp. 365–367.
1930. La Vanguardia, Mars 19.
1930. El Heraldo de Madrid, December 26.
1933. La Vanguardia, December 28. In fact, as vice president and by representing the Federation, he took part in the International Tourism Congress of Brussels in 1932 (1932. El Sol, October 28).
1934. El Sol, May 6. We must remember that the General Council of Tourism was abolished by the decree of 31 January 1934, hence modification of the PNT regulation. 1934. Boletín Oficial del Estado [Official State Gazette], January 31, p. 810.
1933. El Heraldo de Madrid, January 3. See also Moreno (2007b, pp. 212–213).
1936/2. Barcelona Atracción, 302.
1934. “El fomento del turismo”. La Vanguardia, October 26, and 1934. “El XV Congreso internacional de Agencias de viaje”. La Vanguardia, October 27.
1934. “El XV Congreso de la Federación Internacional de Agencias de Viajes”. La Vanguardia, October 30.
1934. La Vanguardia, November 4.
http://​dbe.​rah.​es/​biografias/​85508/​enrique-marsans-comas. Accessed on 5 March 2020. Later he would become the head of the Foreign General Tourism Directorate. 1940. La Vanguardia, August 23.
1938. Advertisement by Viajes Cafranga. El Diario Vasco, July 2 and August 24.
1942. Boletín Oficial del Estado [Official State Gazette], May 6. Transcribed by Fernández Fúster 1991, pp. 484–486.
GAA, (03)049.002TOP.22/44.203-52.704-box 12.423.
For example, for the summer of 1953 Viajes Marsans offered trips to Germany-Belgium-France-Switzerland, Scandinavian countries or a great cruise through Ceylon and India. La Vanguardia, 28-06-1953, 12. However, a few years earlier, in 1949, José Meliá had created the Coach Tours in Europe, even opening two offices in Paris and New York. Galindo (2000, 445).
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The Pioneers of the Spanish Travel Agency Business Before Mass Tourism
Carlos Larrinaga
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