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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

10. The Railway Sector in Spain in the Long Term

Authors : Miguel Muñoz Rubio, Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea

Published in: Companies and Entrepreneurs in the History of Spain

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study addresses how the rail transport system was organised in the long term and the main vicissitudes that it went through in its more than 170 years of continued existence, from 1848 to 2020. The main railway companies responsible for the economic exploitation of the railway network in this period have been the Compañía de los Ferrocarriles del Norte de España (Norte), la Compañía de los Ferrocarriles de Madrid a Zaragoza y Alicante (MZA), for the period of construction and private use of the network, and RENFE, a public company created in 1941, an acronym for the Spanish National Rail Network and which on 1 January 2005 divided the operations executed until then between Adif (Railway Infrastructure Manager) and Renfe operadora.

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While we were preparing this work, we received news of the death of Pedro Tedde de Lorca, a renowned historian and an even better human being. Both of this work’s authors consider him to be a master amongst historians and, more immediately, for those of us who seek to shed some light on the history of transport and communication. We wish to dedicate this work to him by way of a tribute and as a reflection of our gratitude and admiration.
Decree of 7 November 1868 (Madrid Gazette issue 313 of 8 November 1868, 1–2).
Included are normal gauge and narrow gauge, private and public ownership, and new constructions.
Complemented by ten services not related directly to operations (technical secretariat, legal advice service, stockpiling and warehousing, fuels, general accounting, complaints and enquiries, transport coordination, general expenditure, commissary and staff and social assistance).
The report of the World Bank concluded that urgent changes to Renfe’s organisation were required in order to solve its three main problems: the existence of a plethora of administrative bodies within Renfe itself, which divested responsibility and paralysed the controlling authority; constant State intervention in the details of the railway administration system; and the fact that Renfe lacked the power to take certain key decisions.
In other words, the bonds issued between 1946 and 1957, foreign loans prior to 1964, loans from the IBRD and other foreign loans taken out since 1964.
It was ADIF which inherited the brand of Renfe. This decision involved the most complex business change the railways had witnessed since nationalisation in 1941. In spite of this and despite that fact that it had to be applied with a change in government in between, it was conducted in exemplary fashion since the service provided did not suffer in any way.
Narrow-gauge public railways, which had been operated since 1965 by FEVE (Decree-Law 11/1965 of 23 September) were closed down and became part of ADIF and Renfe-Operator by virtue of the Royal Decree of 20 July 2012.
go back to reference Anes, Rafael. 1978. Relaciones entre el ferrocarril y la economía española (1865–1935). In Los ferrocarriles en España, vol. 2, coordinated by Miguel Artola, 355–541. Madrid: Banco de España. Anes, Rafael. 1978. Relaciones entre el ferrocarril y la economía española (1865–1935). In Los ferrocarriles en España, vol. 2, coordinated by Miguel Artola, 355–541. Madrid: Banco de España.
go back to reference Artola, Miguel. 1978. Los ferrocarriles en España. 2 vols. Madrid: Banco de España. Artola, Miguel. 1978. Los ferrocarriles en España. 2 vols. Madrid: Banco de España.
go back to reference Barquín, Rafael, and Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea. 2019. El sector del transporte en la guerra civil española. In El impacto de la Guerra Civil española en el sector terciario, coordinated by Mercedes Fernández-Paradas and Carlos Larrinaga, 131–152. Comares: Granada. Barquín, Rafael, and Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea. 2019. El sector del transporte en la guerra civil española. In El impacto de la Guerra Civil española en el sector terciario, coordinated by Mercedes Fernández-Paradas and Carlos Larrinaga, 131–152. Comares: Granada.
go back to reference Broder, Albert. 2012. Los ferrocarriles españoles (1845–1913): el gran negocio de los franceses. Madrid: Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles. Broder, Albert. 2012. Los ferrocarriles españoles (1845–1913): el gran negocio de los franceses. Madrid: Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles.
go back to reference Comín, Francisco, Pablo Martín Aceña, Miguel Muñoz Rubio, and Javier Vidal. 1998. 150 Años de Historia de los Ferrocarriles Españoles. Madrid: Anaya-Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles. Comín, Francisco, Pablo Martín Aceña, Miguel Muñoz Rubio, and Javier Vidal. 1998. 150 Años de Historia de los Ferrocarriles Españoles. Madrid: Anaya-Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles.
go back to reference Muñoz Rubio, Miguel. 1995. Renfe (1941–1991). Medio siglo de ferrocarril público. Madrid: Ediciones Luna. Muñoz Rubio, Miguel. 1995. Renfe (1941–1991). Medio siglo de ferrocarril público. Madrid: Ediciones Luna.
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go back to reference Muñoz Rubio, Miguel, and Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea. 2013a. Los transportes y las comunicaciones: la transición de modelos tradicionales a industriales. In Historia Económica de España, coordinated by Agustín González Enciso and Juan Manuel Matés-Barco, 209–241. Barcelona: Ariel. Muñoz Rubio, Miguel, and Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea. 2013a. Los transportes y las comunicaciones: la transición de modelos tradicionales a industriales. In Historia Económica de España, coordinated by Agustín González Enciso and Juan Manuel Matés-Barco, 209–241. Barcelona: Ariel.
go back to reference ———. 2013b. Los transportes y las comunicaciones en la España de la primera modernidad. In Historia Económica de España, coordinated by Agustín González Enciso and Juan Manuel Matés-Barco, 551–591. Barcelona: Ariel. ———. 2013b. Los transportes y las comunicaciones en la España de la primera modernidad. In Historia Económica de España, coordinated by Agustín González Enciso and Juan Manuel Matés-Barco, 551–591. Barcelona: Ariel.
go back to reference Tedde de Lorca, Pedro. 1978. Las compañías ferroviarias en España (1855–1935). In Los ferrocarriles en España, Vol. 2, coordinated by Miguel Artola, 9–354. Madrid: Banco de España. Tedde de Lorca, Pedro. 1978. Las compañías ferroviarias en España (1855–1935). In Los ferrocarriles en España, Vol. 2, coordinated by Miguel Artola, 9–354. Madrid: Banco de España.
The Railway Sector in Spain in the Long Term
Miguel Muñoz Rubio
Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea
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