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19-06-2023 | Research Paper

The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Well-Being via Brain Functional Connectivity

Authors: Liangfang Li, Liman Man Wai Li, Junji Ma, Anru Lu, Zhengjia Dai

Published in: Journal of Happiness Studies | Issue 6/2023

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Different single personality traits have been found to be closely related to well-being, and single personality traits and well-being shared multiple neural substrates. Yet little is known about how the multi-trait profile, which better reflects individual differences in terms of taxonomy, is related to multi-faceted well-being, and whether the spontaneous brain activities of their common neural substrates can partially explain this relationship. To advance our understanding, we examined the relationships among personality traits, well-being, and brain functional connectivity generated in resting-state functional MRI among 729 healthy participants. We first identified a linear combination of personal traits (i.e., higher extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness, but lower neuroticism) that was most relevant to a set of well-being indicators (i.e., positive affect, life satisfaction, and meaning of purpose) by considering their canonical correlational relation. Next, by using the network-based statistic method, we identified the sub-network associated with the well-being canonical variate. The subnetwork was formed by functional connectivity within and between multiple brain networks spanning from primary sensory networks to high-order networks. Moreover, the mediation analyses showed that the relationship between personality trait variate and well-being variate was explained by higher positive functional connectivity and higher global network efficiency within the identified sub-network. These findings suggest that effective functional communication within and between multiple brain networks can be a potentially important mechanism for promoting better well-being.

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The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Well-Being via Brain Functional Connectivity
Liangfang Li
Liman Man Wai Li
Junji Ma
Anru Lu
Zhengjia Dai
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Journal of Happiness Studies / Issue 6/2023
Print ISSN: 1389-4978
Electronic ISSN: 1573-7780

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