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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

3. The Rise and Fall of Brazil as a “Policy Exporter”: From Lula Da Silva to Jair Bolsonaro

Authors : Laura Trajber Waisbich, Juliana Ramos Luiz, Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria

Published in: Brazil and China in Knowledge and Policy Transfer

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Brazil emerged in the early 2000s as an important “Southern hub” in the new geographies of global policy circulation. The chapter analyses the rise and fall of Brazil as a “policy exporter” between 2003 and 2022. It unpacks the motives behind Brazilian state active promotion of a key set of development-related policies to other countries during this time and the shifting policy configurations that first enabled then constrained the country to play this role. Looking at almost two decades of circulation of Brazil-grown policy solutions through the combined lenses of foreign policy analysis and policy diffusion, the chapter contributes to understanding the actors, mechanisms and dynamics of change and continuity behind a major contemporary Southern policy innovation hub.

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This section summarises the argument further developed in Faria (forthcoming).
Cardoso himself was Brazil’s foreign minister from October 1992 until May 1993, under the Itamar Franco presidency.
Among others, Lula received, in May 2010, the World Food Day Medal from FAO and was declared Global Champion in the Fight Against Hunger. In the following year, he won the 2011 World Food Prize (Faria and Paradis 2013; Nina 2006).
Alongside the harsh national and international conditions that forced her administration to turn inward, Rousseff’s diplomatic ambition was much less evident in comparison to former President Lula.
According to figures retrieved by the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo, see https://​m.​folha.​uol.​com.​br/​mundo/​2014/​12/​1566948-itamaraty-perde-espaco-no-orcamento.​shtml. Last access: 29/12/2020.
The closure of seven embassies in the continent took place a few years later, under Bolsonaro’s administration. See https://​epocanegocios.​globo.​com/​Brasil/​noticia/​2016/​05/​plano-de-serra-para-fechar-embaixadas-sofre-resistencia-no-itamaraty.​html. Last access: 30/12/2020.
There are also 16 projects identified as cooperation with blocs, such as the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and other Inter-American thematic networks.
Available at http://​www.​abc.​gov.​br/​Projetos/​pesquisa. Last access: 23/01/2021.
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The Rise and Fall of Brazil as a “Policy Exporter”: From Lula Da Silva to Jair Bolsonaro
Laura Trajber Waisbich
Juliana Ramos Luiz
Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria
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