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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

11. The Rise and Standardized Development of Internet Finance

Author : Rixu Lan

Published in: The Financial Development of China

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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In 2013, the rapid development of internet finance in China gave rise to the “Catfish Effect” in the country’s financial sector, triggering a wave of innovation in the industry. It expanded the scope of financial services, extended the financial industry chain, and rapidly enhanced the competitiveness of China’s financial industry. However, the emergence of internet finance on the basis of the “three nos” (no entry threshold, no industry standards, no relevant regulatory controls) also brought significant risks. Incidents such as defaults, disappearances, and fraud became rampant, affecting and disrupting the normal development order of China’s financial industry and harming the rights of numerous investors. In response, regulatory bodies such as the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) continuously explored measures to regulate the development of internet finance. They introduced various measures to lay the foundation for the increasingly standardized and healthy development of internet finance.

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“Three MA” refers to Alibaba’s Jack MA, Ping An’s MA Mingzhe and Tencent’s MA Huateng who jointly set up Zhong’an Online property insurance company.
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China’s interest rate reform is moving towards marketization. In 1993, it was established that “non-bank institutions first, then banks; First foreign exchange, then local currency; Large amount first, then small amount; Loan first, then deposit “sequence; By 2008, except for the deposit and loan interest rates of commercial banks, the prices of bonds, trusts and foreign exchange were basically market-based. Before 2013, the People’s Bank of China set an interest rate benchmark, and on July 20 of the same year, the People’s Bank of China abolished the floor of 0.7 times the lending rate of financial institutions. On October 23, 2015, the People’s Bank of China cancelled the floating ceiling of the interest rate of time deposits over 1 year of commercial banks; In 2018, the People’s Bank of China promoted the reform of interest rate liberalization, announced in April that it would release the self-discipline agreement of the deposit interest rate ceiling of commercial banks, and the interest rate benchmark would be merged with the market-oriented interest rate, but it had not been opened until June 2019.
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The Rise and Standardized Development of Internet Finance
Rixu Lan
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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