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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

26. The Role of Top Management Team Cognitive Diversity in a Global Sample of Innovative Firms: A Review

Author : Claire A. Simmers

Published in: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This chapter used secondary sources to examine the role of cognitive diversity among top management teams in a global sample of 38 innovative firms (19 headquartered in the United States and 19 headquartered in other countries). Top management team demographics—generation, firm tenure, gender, and race—were collected, and firms were classified into four business life cycles. Firms in the Maturity phase had less generational and geographic dispersion, but more gender and racial diversity, so that cognitive diversity might facilitate continuous innovation aimed at marketplace relevancy. Innovative Start-ups were geographically dispersed but more cohort, gender, and racially concentrated. Perhaps this lack of cognitive diversity was necessary to maintain focus on the new business for survival in the early years. Limitations and future research directions were presented.

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The Role of Top Management Team Cognitive Diversity in a Global Sample of Innovative Firms: A Review
Claire A. Simmers
Copyright Year
Springer International Publishing

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