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The Semi-infinite Intersection Cohomology Sheaf-II: The Ran Space Version

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This chapter is a sequel to [Ga1]. We define the semi-infinite category on the Ran version of the affine Grassmannian and study a particular object in it, denoted \(\operatorname {IC}^{\frac {\infty }{2}}_{\operatorname {Ran}}\), which we call the semi-infinite intersection cohomology sheaf.
Unlike the situation of [Ga1], this \(\operatorname {IC}^{\frac {\infty }{2}}_{\operatorname {Ran}}\) is defined as the middle of extension of the constant (more precisely, dualizing) sheaf on the basic stratum, in a certain t-structure. We give several explicit descriptions and characterizations of \(\operatorname {IC}^{\frac {\infty }{2}}_{\operatorname {Ran}}\): we describe its !- and *- stalks; we present it explicitly as a colimit; we relate it to the IC sheaf of Drinfeld’s relative compactification \(\overline {\operatorname {Bun}}_N\); we describe \(\operatorname {IC}^{\frac {\infty }{2}}_{\operatorname {Ran}}\) via the Drinfeld–Plucker formalism.

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Technically, not constant but rather dualizing.
Note that even though the index category (i.e., \((\operatorname {Sch}^{\operatorname {aff}}_{\operatorname {ft}})_{/{\mathcal {Y}}}\)) is ordinary, the above limit is formed in the -category \(\operatorname {DGCat}\). This is how -categories appear in this paper.
The notion of universal local contractibility is recalled in Sect. A.1.8.
In the formula below \(-|{ }_{(X^\lambda \times X^I)^{\subset }}\) denotes the !-pullback along the projection (Xλ × XI)→ XI.
We are grateful to Lin Chen for pointing out a mistake in the statement of Proposition 2.5.3 in the previous version of the paper. The corrected argument is due to him.
Braden’s theorem extends from schemes to ind-schemes by an easy colimit argument.
The corresponding assertion would be false for the corresponding embedding \(\operatorname {SI}^{\leq 0}_{\operatorname {Ran}}\subset \operatorname {Shv}(\overline {S}{ }^0_{\operatorname {Ran}})\); this is a geometric counterpart of the fact that the local field is not compact, while the quotient of adeles by principal adeles is compact.
See Sect. A.2.4, where this notion is recalled.
Note also that the fully faithfulness of \((\operatorname {pr}^\lambda _{\operatorname {Ran}})^!\) has been already stated in Lemma 2.3.3; however, the argument given below will give an alternative proof of this fact.
The formalism described in this subsection (as well as the term) was suggested by S. Raskin.
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The Semi-infinite Intersection Cohomology Sheaf-II: The Ran Space Version
Dennis Gaitsgory
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