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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

7. The Sociedad Azucarera Antequerana and the Commercialization of Its Products (1890–1906)

Authors : Mercedes Fernández-Paradas, Francisco José García Ariza

Published in: Companies and Entrepreneurs in the History of Spain

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In Spain, the activity of the industry that produced sugar from beetroot began in 1883. A few years later, in 1890, the Sociedad Azucarera Antequera was founded in the municipality of Antequera, located in the region of Andalusia, with the aim of responding to the growing demand for that product and the agrarian crisis of the end of the century. In 1900–1901 the sugar factory of Azucarera Antequerana added 5.8% of the national production, meaning that it was one of the most important in the country, production that reached consumers through an effective network created by the company to sell sugar.

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In honour of his wife, he named the sugar mill Ingenio San José (ingenio was a term used in Cuba for a sugar mill).
Municipal Historical Archive of Antequera (MHAA), Company Archives (CA), Sociedad Azucarera Antequerana Archive (SAAA), file 339, folder 32, Shareholders in December 1891.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, files 336–338 and 341.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 337, folder 7: Expenses paid by the Caja de Antequera, 18911892 Season; and Commissions paid and distribution locations, 18911892 Season.
MHAA CA, ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, 1892 Inventory.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 346, folder 48.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 337, folder 18, Statement of Expenditure and Products 18921893.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 337, folder 24, Commissions paid and distribution locations in 18921893.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 337, folder 2, Report of the Sociedad Azucarera Antequerana. Year 18921893.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 337, folder 24, Commissions paid and distribution locations in 18931894.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1894.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 141, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the S.A.A., 17 December 1893.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 17, Statement of accounts for the 18941895 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1895.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 338, folder 18, Commissions paid and distribution locations in 18951896.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1896.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 336, folder 11, Commissions paid and distribution locations in 18961897.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 336, folder 3, Statement of accounts for the 18961897 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1896 and 1897.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 3.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 54, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 18961897 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 46, Statement of accounts for the 18971898 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 13.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 3, Statement of accounts for the 18981899 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1898 and 1899.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 339, folder 13, Statement of accounts for the 18991900 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1899 and 1900.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 7, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 19001901 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1900 and 1901.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 14, Statement of accounts for the 18991900 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 19, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 19011902 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1901 and 1902.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 26, Statement of accounts for the 19021903 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 32, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 19021903 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 26, Statement of accounts for the 19021903 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1902 and 1903.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 338, folder 10, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 19031904 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 338, folder 3, Statement of accounts for the 19031904 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1902 and 1903.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 57, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 19041905 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 340, folder 53, Statement of accounts for the season 19041905.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1904 and 1905.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 341, folder 7, Commissions paid and distribution locations in the 19051906 season.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, file 341, folder 3, Statement of accounts and distribution locations in 19051906.
MHAA, CA, SAAA, Ledger 134, Inventory Ledger 1, Inventory of 1905 and 1906.
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The Sociedad Azucarera Antequerana and the Commercialization of Its Products (1890–1906)
Mercedes Fernández-Paradas
Francisco José García Ariza
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