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04-04-2019 | Original Paper

The time and timing components of conservation culturomics cycles and scenarios of public interest in the Google era

Author: Andreas Y. Troumbis

Published in: Biodiversity and Conservation | Issue 7/2019

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Analysis of Google Trends data on Internet crowd-searches regarding biodiversity conservation and global change is steadily developing as a meta-information data stream on public interest in environmental issues and challenges. Literature develops on the validity and multiple determinants of Google Trends, involving a large palette of constraints regarding the adoption of simplistic linear regressions of search volumes versus time. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of monthly (or yearly) deviations from long-term averages of Google Trends as descriptors of public interest variability. We propose (1) a SWOT-like Methodological-Social/Ecological-Technical-Conceptual framework of Google Trends based analysis of culturomics; (2) a series of specific data on deviations or error distribution regarding flag-terms of conservation discourse; and, (3) two potential mechanisms driving fluctuations of Google Trends.

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The time and timing components of conservation culturomics cycles and scenarios of public interest in the Google era
Andreas Y. Troumbis
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Biodiversity and Conservation / Issue 7/2019
Print ISSN: 0960-3115
Electronic ISSN: 1572-9710