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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

8. The TIME IS A CIRCLE/CYCLE Metaphor in Denis Villeneuve’s Film ‘Arrival’ (2016)

Authors : Sheetal Gokhale, Debapriya Basu, Ravi Mokashi-Punekar

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Corpus-based research in cinematic metaphors has hitherto been limited to the analyses of the filmic image and the use it makes of basic image schemas such as UP-DOWN, CONTAINER, SOURCE-PATH-GOAL, or primary metaphors such as GOOD IS UP and GOOD IS LIGHT. Recent research in this domain establishes the connection between abstract target domains and concrete source domains like camera movement, composition, sound, light, and colour to show the use of the metaphor within the frame. In this paper, we propose that Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Embodied Image Schemata can be applied to the narrative structure and design of a film as well, if the film employs the non-linear mode of storytelling. The film text at the centre of this study, Arrival (2016), directed by Denis Villeneuve, revolves around Louise, a linguist, whose perception of time itself changes when she learns the language of an alien species and is able to avert a global threat by reaching out to her future self. Through a breakdown of the film’s innovative and commercially successful narrative design (itself enabled by new industrial editing technology), coupled with an analysis of the resultant visual pattern and in-frame visual cues, we find a distinct connection between the image schema of a CIRCLE, the circular symbols (logograms) used in the written language of the aliens, their perception of time as circular/cyclic and the non-linear structure of the film text which loops back onto itself. The study shows how the basic image schema of the cycle or cyclic in the metaphor TIME IS A CIRCLE is concretised in the film’s design through a circular structural pattern in the narrative, thereby embedding the source domain to the abstract target domain of TIME. The insights gained from this analysis offer a persuasive and reproducible thematic approach to future experiments in non-linear narrative design in popular cinema.

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A prologue of a narrative is a device that introduces something that happened to a character outside of the main story event, which will be used to justify the character’s actions or explain the circumstances of the story world.
Semasiography is writing with signs which have no phonetic counterpart [17].
Action match-cuts are commonly used editing devices, to keep the flow of movement from one scene to another, creating a seamless flow of action of characters between two different times or locations, sound match cuts are similar, where the dialogue or foley sound overlaps to the scene before or after.
Bracketing is also a common non-linear type that is sometimes used as a flashforward to things that might happen at the end of the film.
Some common cinematic indicators would be title plates that tell you what happened before was the future and the narrative begins. For example, 6 months ago.
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The TIME IS A CIRCLE/CYCLE Metaphor in Denis Villeneuve’s Film ‘Arrival’ (2016)
Sheetal Gokhale
Debapriya Basu
Ravi Mokashi-Punekar
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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