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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. The US–China Relations and Trade Policy

Authors : K. C. Fung, Nathalie Aminian, Chris Y. Tung

Published in: Global Trade and Trade Governance During De-Globalization

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper attempts to examine the U.S.–China trade relations and policies. In this perspective, the U.S.–Japan trade frictions of the1980s and 1990s are instructive and reveal common features with the current U.S.–China trade war. Many of the U.S. government allegations raised against Japan in the past are currently raised against China. The focus is made on complaints of bilateral trade imbalances, “unique” economic or business organizations, and exchange rate manipulations. Relevant contemporaneous research and policy lessons are drawn from the management of previous U.S.–Japan trade disputes and their potential applicability to the current U.S.–China trade competition. Discrepancies between the two episodes are also taken into consideration, particularly the emergence and prevalence of digital companies and the technological competition between China and the United States. We highlight that the trade war is only part of a substantial debate in the United States about China’s rising economic power. The economic emergence of China is increasingly worrying the United States, as China is technological upscaling and is now a leader in several sectors (5G, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.)

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From the mid-2000s, American politicians and economists were concerned about Chinese practices. Several bills have even been proposed in Congress to impose tariffs to discourage China to devaluate its currency (in May 2005 and September 2010) or for not complying with its intellectual property rights commitments. Even before Trump’s election and the trade war, the United States often sued China at the WTO: between 2001 and 2018, the United States lodged 23 complaints against China on issues such as dumping, illegal subsidies and intellectual property rights.
These results are further discussed in Feenstra and Rauch (1999) and Rauch (2001).
The term of “fourth industrial revolution” was introduced recently (Schwab, 2016). The fourth industrial revolution is related to significant technological development through ICT, cyber-physical systems (CPS), and Internet of Things (IoT).
MIC 2025 stressed that “China’s manufacturing sector is large but not strong.” The plan prioritizes upgrading manufacturing through advances in technology innovation. The agenda is the following:
  • by 2025. Boost manufacturing quality, innovation, and labor productivity; obtain an advanced level of technology integration; reduce energy and resource consumption; and develop globally competitive firms and industrial centers.
  • by 2035, Reach parity with global industry at intermediate levels, improve innovation, make major breakthroughs, lead innovation in specific industries, and set global standards.
  • by 2049, Lead global manufacturing and innovation with a competitive position in advanced technology and industrial systems (US Congressional Research Service, 2020).
In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce placed Huawei—and 68 (and then 114 in August) of its non-U.S. affiliates—on an “Entity List” imposing some restrictions. This designation requires an export license to be granted for any export, reexport or transfer of items subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to Huawei. In others words, Huawei can no longer use electronic components and chips manufactured by American companies, hence cutting off the leader in 5G from access to U.S. technologies.
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The US–China Relations and Trade Policy
K. C. Fung
Nathalie Aminian
Chris Y. Tung
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