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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Thermal Vulnerability Analysis in Low-Income Housing with Natural Ventilation in the Galápagos Islands: Measured and Simulated Data

Authors : Santiago Navarro, Catalina Vallejo Coral, Marco Orozco Salcedo, Hugo Zúñiga Puebla, Juana Perlaza

Published in: Towards Low and Positive Energy Buildings

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The Galapagos Islands are the world’s second-largest marine reserve, declared a World Heritage Site in 1978 by UNESCO, and are located in a hot and humid climate zone. Their fragile ecosystem is susceptible to the adverse effects of global warming. The increase in ambient temperature can lead to a rise in the energy requirement to achieve thermal comfort in the residential sector, mainly made up of naturally ventilated dwellings. Several studies have been developed for Ecuador regarding the impact of passive strategies in naturally ventilated dwellings on the continent, but no studies have been conducted in the Archipelago. In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate the vulnerability of a naturally ventilated house in the Galapagos, using adaptive models based on temperature and thermal stress index based on temperature and humidity. The results showed adequate levels of thermal comfort, according to UNE-EN 16,798–1:2020. However, the heat index revealed that for approximately 40% of the time the dwelling was occupied, the occupants were highly vulnerable (32 °C < HI < 52°), increasing the likelihood of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stress.

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Thermal Vulnerability Analysis in Low-Income Housing with Natural Ventilation in the Galápagos Islands: Measured and Simulated Data
Santiago Navarro
Catalina Vallejo Coral
Marco Orozco Salcedo
Hugo Zúñiga Puebla
Juana Perlaza
Copyright Year