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Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of CO2 Laser Butt Welding on AISI 304 Steel Thin Plates

Authors: Rakesh Bhadra, Pardeep Pankaj, Pankaj Biswas, U. S. Dixit

Published in: International Journal of Steel Structures | Issue 1/2019

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In this present study both numerical and experimental investigations of CO2 laser butt welding on thin AISI 304 Steel sheet were carried out. A 3D numerical model was established using Finite Element Method for determining the weld induced transient thermal history, residual stresses and residual deformation. The finite element software package ANSYS-14.5 was used to develop this present model. In this model temperature dependent thermo-mechanical properties of AISI 304 steel were considered. The element birth and death technique was used to simulate the welding joint. The weld bead geometry was also incorporated in this present study. Appropriate APDL macros were developed to simulate the situation of a moving volumetric heat source and transient elasto-plastic thermos-mechanical analysis. The numerical results were validated by experimentally obtained results. The FE model compared well with those of the experimental results.

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Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of CO2 Laser Butt Welding on AISI 304 Steel Thin Plates
Rakesh Bhadra
Pardeep Pankaj
Pankaj Biswas
U. S. Dixit
Publication date
Korean Society of Steel Construction
Published in
International Journal of Steel Structures / Issue 1/2019
Print ISSN: 1598-2351
Electronic ISSN: 2093-6311

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