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26-12-2024 | Original Research

Threat categorization and conservation prioritization of floristic diversity in Pangi valley of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya

Authors: Om Prakash, S. S. Samant, Vijay Kumar

Published in: Biodiversity and Conservation

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Population explosion results of increase in demand of resources and rapid loss of biodiversity which results in threat of species. Overexploitation, habitat degradation, grazing and early collection of plant material for commercialization and traditional use is a major factor responsible for the loss of biodiversity which results in threat of species. Extinction of species is the most irreversible phenomenon in all the major environmental calamities happened on earth crust. Biodiversity extinction rate is faster than the natural extinction with the results of changes land use pattern, unsustainable use of natural resources, pollution, habitat degradation, climate change, invasion of alien species, conversion of forest land for cultivation and residential as well as commercial purposes resulting in natural habitat degradation and is a direct cause of extinction and loss of biodiversity. In the present investigation, an approach has been developed to prioritize species at local level in Pangi valley, District Chamba by using six conservation attributes i.e., population size, habitat preference, distribution range, anthropogenic pressures, extraction trend, use pattern, endemism and nativity. Threat categories of floristic diversity were identified on the basis of Conservation Priority Index. The total of 780 species of vascular plants recorded in Pangi Valley (Prakash, 2024), 95 species were fallen under different threat categories i.e.,14 species Critically Endangered,18 Endangered, 25 Vulnerable, 38 Near Threatened and other species were under Least Concern category. The total of 780 species, 02 species were reported under Critically Endangered, 07 Endangered, 05 Vulnerable, 02 Near Threatened and remaining species under Least Concern categories as per IUCN threatened list. The totals of 780 species, 08 species were reported under Critically Endangered, 09 Endangered 08 Vulnerable by many researchers in Himachal Pradesh. Maximum 75 threatened species were identified between 2801 and 3800 m; 31 were recorded in Cedrus deodara community, followed by 24 in Betula utilis community. The overexploitations and unsustainable use of natural resources and destruction of habitats contribute to the major loss of biodiversity. Therefore, regular monitoring of populations and habitats, development of conventional protocols, establishment of species in-situ conditions and habitats and replication of this approach in other parts of Indian Himalayan Region have been suggested.

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Threat categorization and conservation prioritization of floristic diversity in Pangi valley of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya
Om Prakash
S. S. Samant
Vijay Kumar
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Biodiversity and Conservation
Print ISSN: 0960-3115
Electronic ISSN: 1572-9710