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Three-dimensional quantum-corrected Monte Carlo device simulator of n-FinFETs

Authors: C. S. Soares, G. F. Furtado, A. C. J. Rossetto, G. I. Wirth, D. Vasileska

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 2/2024

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The effective potential approach was successfully incorporated as a quantum correction to a Monte Carlo device simulator of n-FinFETs to take into account the electron quantum confinement. The electron line density calculated by the effective potential approach agrees very well with the one calculated by a 2D Schrödinger–Poisson solver. Next, the results for the drain current as a function of the gate and drain voltage obtained by the semiclassical and by the quantum-corrected Monte Carlo device simulator were compared. The quantum-corrected Monte Carlo device simulator properly models volume inversion, which reduces the impact of surface roughness scattering, thus improving the electron drift velocity. Additionally, the quantum correction allows the modeling of the reduction of electron density in the n-FinFETs channel due to the quantum-mechanical size quantization effect. This, in turn, leads to a reduction of the drain current.

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Three-dimensional quantum-corrected Monte Carlo device simulator of n-FinFETs
C. S. Soares
G. F. Furtado
A. C. J. Rossetto
G. I. Wirth
D. Vasileska
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137