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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Tire Model to Feature Multi Body Simulation Based NVH Assessment of a Car Including Air Cavity Effects

Authors : Peter Kindt, Frank Petry, Giulio Barbaglia, Rutger Uil, Michal Milata, Stefan Uhlar, Zdenek Kunicky, Manfred Bäcker, Axel Gallrein, Francesco Calabrese

Published in: 12th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2021

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Due to the absent masking noise from the combustion engine, the transition from combustion engine cars to electrical cars yields more focus on the structure-borne noise induced by the tire/road contact. Consequently, the tire air cavity resonance noise is increasingly impacting the vehicle interior noise perception. Besides interior noise, also other tire performances such as rolling resistance are important for electric vehicles. Both performances are strongly influenced by the tire size and tire construction. Therefore, car manufacturers are looking for a dedicated tire model to perform simulation-based noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) assessments for the car up to 300 Hz, and thus allowing to differentiate between different tires and sizes. In this paper, the authors show that the tire model CDTire/3D can fulfill the OEM full-vehicle simulation requirements satisfactorily. Several tire tests need to be performed to parameterize the CDTire/3D model. One of these tests is a standard cleat experiment performed on a dedicated drum test rig. In this paper, models have been created for different tires featuring the typical design space of a vehicle manufacturer. The authors then present the comparison of rough road rolling simulation results against measurements on a rough road drum test bench. In a second step the tire models are applied in a hybrid simulation approach that couples FEM (Finite Element Method) and MBS (Multi-body Simulation) for full vehicle predictions of structure-borne road noise.

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Tire Model to Feature Multi Body Simulation Based NVH Assessment of a Car Including Air Cavity Effects
Peter Kindt
Frank Petry
Giulio Barbaglia
Rutger Uil
Michal Milata
Stefan Uhlar
Zdenek Kunicky
Manfred Bäcker
Axel Gallrein
Francesco Calabrese
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg