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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

18. To IpOp or Not to IpOp?

Pros and Cons of the IpOp Model

Author : Raphael H Cohen

Published in: Pre-Project Excellence

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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To help readers evaluate the pros and cons of using the IpOp Model, this chapter discusses the benefits and limitations of the IpOp Model for managing projects, concepts, opportunities, and ideas. This chapter also introduces IpOp ToolsTM, which is the first computer-aided software that guides users at the pre-project stage in maturing their project, idea, or opportunity. It helps them to identify more Unknowns/uncertainties but it also automatically prints a standardized concept/Opportunity Case, which is aligned with the template included in ISO 56007 annex. Thanks to IpOp ToolsTM, project teams no longer waste time writing a business plan.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of gathering relevant information and understanding the concepts underlying the IpOp Model for successful implementation of ISO 56007 recommendations. As the IpOp ToolsTM software captures all the information regarding each project, concept, idea, or Opportunity, it serves as the first and only knowledge management software comprehensively handling the pre-project stage. This chapter discusses the benefits of using the IpOp Model and Tools for start-ups, incubators, and large organizations. By using the IpOp Model and IpOp ToolsTM, organizations and incubators can standardize project presentations and improve their chances of success in accordance with ISO 56007 guidelines. By using the IpOp Model and IpOp ToolsTM , organizations can standardize project presentations and improve their chances of success in accordance with ISO 56007 guidelines.

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Reminder: The IpOp Model was developed by observing what the most successful people spontaneously do to turn a project into reality.
ISO 56000 also provides standard ISO definitions for innovation.
See Chap. 20.
See Chap. 20.
“What is in it for Me.” Motivation is largely influenced by the benefits that people get or can get for themselves.
To IpOp or Not to IpOp?
Raphael H Cohen
Copyright Year

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