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106178 search results for:

Open Banking 

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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Banking in the UK: A Co-opetition Scenario for Innovation and Evolution in the UK Retail Banking Sector

    The CMA 2017 Order laid down the foundation of Open Banking in the UK. The Order mandated nine incumbent banks (CMA9) to develop a secure channel based on common and open technical standards for sharing their customer transaction data with …

    Nikita Divissenko
    Published in:
    Commercial Banking in Transition (2024)
  2. 15-06-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Open banking on the horizon: a scientometric analysis and research agenda

    Open banking is an emerging and evolving concept, it brings both opportunities and challenges to banks. Despite its anticipated transformative role in changing the financial services landscape and delivering superior value to the customers, the …

  3. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Banking: Opportunities and Risks

    Open banking is a framework where consumers and businesses can share their banking data with third-party providers through secure channels. Starting in the United Kingdom, open banking is on the rise in many countries. Thanks to open banking

    Christoph Frei
    Published in:
    The Fintech Disruption (2023)
  4. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Rise of Financial Services Ecosystems: Towards Open Banking Platforms

    The recent developments in regulation, ICT technologies and purchase and consumption habits of customers are profoundly changing the competitive scenario of the financial services market. In particular in the European context, PSD2, although …

    Simona Cosma, Stefano Cosma, Daniela Pennetta
    Published in:
    The Fintech Disruption (2023)
  5. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Leveraging Open Banking: Challenges and Opportunities

    The main goal of this research is to examine the application of innovative open banking models and services through the lens of the end users. Many countries have already started the process of writing regulations for open banking and its assorted …

    Darko Vasić, Dušan Barać, Miloš Radenković
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of the Financial Industry (2023)
  6. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Banking, Access to Account Rule and (Free) Marketability of Banking Data

    The paper is aimed at scrutinizing the fundamental rules applicable to the open banking ecosystem and the provisions on innovative payment services (account information service and payment initiation service), with specific reference to the access …

    Daniel Foà
    Published in:
    Digitalisation, Sustainability, and the Banking and Capital Markets Union (2023)
  7. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Banking for Financial Inclusion: Challenges and Opportunities in Muslim-Majority Countries

    Financial inclusion as a means to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals has been at the center of attention of international financial institutions, policymakers, and academia. The recent advancement of FinTech, enabled by Open Banking

    Nasim Shah Shirazi, Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Zhamal Nanaeva
    Published in:
    Islamic Finance, FinTech, and the Road to Sustainability (2023)
  8. 10-11-2022 | Open Banking | Schwerpunkt | Article

    Fintechs sehen in Open Banking ihre Zukunft

    Um ihren Service zu verbessern und damit die Kunden bei der Stange zu halten, setzen Fintechs auf neue Technologien und Vertriebswege: Dazu nutzen sie unter anderem Open Banking, zeigt eine aktuelle Studie. So beeinflussen die jungen Unternehmen, was sich Kunden von Finanzdienstleistern wünschen.

  9. 02-08-2022 | Open Banking | Schwerpunkt | Article

    Mit Open Banking für bessere Kundenerlebnisse sorgen

    Die EU-Kommission arbeitet derzeit an einem Rahmenwerk für Open Finance. Auch wenn hiesige Banken seit dem Inkrafttreten von PSD2 zunehmend dessen Vorteile für sich entdecken, bleibt die Branche im Hinblick auf die kommenden Regularien wachsam, wie ein aktuelles VÖB-Positionspapier belegt.

  10. 2022 | Book

    Open Banking

    Repositioning of European Financial Institutions

    In diesem englischsprachigen essential untersucht Autor Markus Bramberger die Entwicklung von Open Banking und entsprechender Finanzprodukte in Europa. Dabei beantwortet er Fragen zu spezifischen Szenarios als Alternative zu traditionellen Finanzanbietern. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser herausfordernden und risikoreichen Entwicklung, die zugleich neue Geschäftsfelder in der Finanzbranche eröffnet, erfährt der Leser die grundlegenden Fakten über Open Banking und aktuellen Fintech-Themen.

    Markus Bramberger
    Book Series:
    Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
  11. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Banking Operations

    It is only in recent years that the concept of open banking has become more common. A term that cannot be defined by simple explanations. Open banking programs attempt to profitably exploit disruptions in post-PSD II payment traffic.

    Markus Bramberger
    Published in:
    Open Banking (2022)
  12. 18-01-2022 | Bankvertrieb | Gastbeitrag | Article

    Open Banking und Open Finance machen Banken erfolgreich

    Kundenerwartungen wandeln sich stetig. Sich dynamisch und flexibel an diese Bedürfnissen anzupassen wird zur Kernkompetenz für die Bankenbranche. Immer wichtiger werden dabei Open Banking, Embedded Finance und Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS), die den Kunden in den Mittelpunkt rücken.

  13. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Openness and Potential Fragility of the Global Banking System

    This study investigates whether risk of bank default intensifies with globalization and what are the driving forces behind such escalation. A balanced panel of sixty-four countries for 1996–2017 is formed, and countries are grouped according to …

    Gagari Chakrabarti
    Published in:
    Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Development (2022)
  14. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Central Banking as Scenario Building: Knowledge Production in the Federal Open Market Committee (zusammen mit Hanno Pahl)

    Central banking today is believed to be a fundamentally technocratic endeavour mainly based on macroeconomics. Due to the fact that the deliberation about monetary policy making in central banks is usually not accessible, the actual process of …

    Dr. Jan Sparsam, Jan Sparsam
    Published in:
    Der Einfluss der Wirtschaftswissenschaft auf Wirtschaftspolitik und Ökonomie (2022)
  15. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Leveraging the Provisions of Open Banking to Fight Financial Crimes

    With its over-reliance on compliance by the reporting entities through various reporting obligations, the present anti-money laundering framework has failed to produce the desired result of curbing financial crime and recovering laundered money.

    Suman Podder
    Published in:
    Financial Technology and the Law (2022)
  16. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Implementation of Open Banking Protocols Around the World

    Open Banking seeks to increase competition and customer choice, disrupting the incumbent banking sector and empowering individual and business consumers to own and dictate the use of their financial data. By utilizing technology to rebalance …

    Tania Ziegler
    Published in:
    The Palgrave Handbook of Technological Finance (2021)
  17. 09-02-2021 | Open Banking | Gastbeitrag | Article

    Sicherheitsherausforderungen an Open-Banking-Ökosysteme

    Aus gutem Grund sind die Anforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit von Finanzinstituten besonders hoch. Jedoch konterkarieren Open-Banking-Ökosysteme die Gewährleistung der geforderten Sicherheit. Oder etwa doch nicht?

  18. 22-02-2021 | Open Banking | Gastbeitrag | Article

    Paradebeispiel für Open Banking kommt aus China

    Die chinesische Ant Group beweist, welches Potenzial im Open Banking liegt. Traditionelle Institute müssen ihr Wertversprechen überdenken, um auch in Zukunft relevant für ihre Kunden zu bleiben.

  19. Open Access 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Banking und standardisierte Schnittstellen auf dem Finanzplatz Schweiz

    Die Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen von Open Banking und standardisierten Schnittstellen auf die Schweizer Bankenindustrie. Ziel war es, den Stand von Open Banking in der Schweiz, die Chancen und Risiken des Ansatzes sowie den Einfluss auf die …

    Marco Birkhofer, Sandro Bächli
    Published in:
    Digital Business (2021)
  20. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Federated Learning for Open Banking

    Open banking enables individual customers to own their banking data, which provides fundamental support for the boosting of a new ecosystem of data marketplaces and financial services. In the near future, it is foreseeable to have decentralized …

    Guodong Long, Yue Tan, Jing Jiang, Chengqi Zhang
    Published in:
    Federated Learning (2020)

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