2013 | OriginalPaper | Chapter
Towards a Dynamic Negotiation Mechanism for QoS-Aware Service Markets
Authors : Claudia Di Napoli, Paolo Pisa, Silvia Rossi
Published in: Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
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The market value of commercial Service-Based Applications (SBAs) will depend not only on their functionality, but also on the value of QoS parameters referring to its not functional properties. These parameters are not static properties since they may vary according to the provision strategies of providers as well as the demand of users having their own preferences on the application’s QoS values. In this paper we propose a negotiation-based mechanism among service providers and a user requesting a QoS-aware SBA to select services with suitable QoS values, i.e. values that once aggregated satisfy the user’s requirements. The proposed mechanism simulates a market-based provision mechanism that allows to take into account the variability of service QoS attribute values typical of the future market of services, as well as to dynamically set the length of the negotiation process that is usually very time consuming.