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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Towards a Generalizable Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Service-Oriented Applications

Authors : Justus Bogner, Bhupendra Choudhary, Stefan Wagner, Alfred Zimmermann

Published in: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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While there are several theoretical comparisons of Object Orientation (OO) and Service Orientation (SO), little empirical research on the maintainability of the two paradigms exists. To provide support for a generalizable comparison, we conducted a study with four related parts. Two functionally equivalent systems (one OO and one SO version) were analyzed with coupling and cohesion metrics as well as via a controlled experiment, where participants had to extend the systems. We also conducted a survey with 32 software professionals and interviewed 8 industry experts on the topic. Results indicate that the SO version of our system possesses a higher degree of cohesion, a lower degree of coupling, and could be extended faster. Survey and interview results suggest that industry sees systems built with SO as more loosely coupled, modifiable, and reusable. OO systems, however, were described as less complex and easier to test.

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Towards a Generalizable Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Service-Oriented Applications
Justus Bogner
Bhupendra Choudhary
Stefan Wagner
Alfred Zimmermann
Copyright Year

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