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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Towards a New Approach of Learning: Learn by Thinking Extending the Paradigm Through Cognitive Learning and Artificial Intelligence Methods to Improve Special Education Needs

Authors : Jorge Pires, Manuel Pérez Cota, Álvaro Rocha, Ramiro Gonçalves

Published in: Developments and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Cognitive theorists believe that the learning process involves the integration of events into actives organizational structures termed schemata. Schemata serve a number of functions in human cognition: schemata regulates attention, organizes searches of the environment and “fill the gaps” during information processing. Thus, the mind uses schemata to selectively organize and processes all the information individuals receive from the world. This perspective fits e.g. in teaching blind and deaf people alongside of children with special education needs. The aim of the research developed until the moment was to prove that the full integration of the concept of teaching and learning in the light of cognitive theories.

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Towards a New Approach of Learning: Learn by Thinking Extending the Paradigm Through Cognitive Learning and Artificial Intelligence Methods to Improve Special Education Needs
Jorge Pires
Manuel Pérez Cota
Álvaro Rocha
Ramiro Gonçalves
Copyright Year

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