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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Towards Document Panoptic Segmentation with Pinpoint Accuracy: Method and Evaluation

Authors : Rongyu Cao, Hongwei Li, Ganbin Zhou, Ping Luo

Published in: Document Analysis and Recognition – ICDAR 2021

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In this paper we study the task of document layout recognition for digital documents, requiring that the model should detect the exact physical object region without missing any text or containing any redundant text outside objects. It is the vital step to support high-quality information extraction, table understanding and knowledge base construction over the documents from various vertical domains (e.g. financial, legal, and government fields). Here, we consider digital documents, where characters and graphic elements are given with their exact texts, positions inside document pages, compared with image documents. Towards document layout recognition with pinpoint accuracy, we consider this problem as a document panoptic segmentation task, that each token in the document page must be assigned a class label and an instance id. Considering that two predicted objects may intersect under traditional visual panoptic segmentation method, like Mask R-CNN, however, document objects never intersect because most document pages follow manhattan layout. Therefore, we propose a novel framework, named document panoptic segmentation (DPS) model. It first splits the document page into column regions and groups tokens into line regions, then extracts the textual and visual features, and finally assigns class label and instance id to each line region. Additionally, we propose a novel metric based on the intersection over union (IoU) between the tokens contained in predicted and the ground-truth object, which is more suitable than metric based on the area IoU between predicted and the ground-truth bounding box. Finally, the empirical experiments based on PubLayNet, ArXiv and Financial datasets show that the proposed DPS model obtains 0.8833, 0.9205 and 0.8530 mAP scores on three datasets. The proposed model obtains great improvement on mAP score compared with Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN models.

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Towards Document Panoptic Segmentation with Pinpoint Accuracy: Method and Evaluation
Rongyu Cao
Hongwei Li
Ganbin Zhou
Ping Luo
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