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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Transactional Migration of Inhomogeneous Composite Cloud Applications

Authors : Josef Spillner, Manuel Ramírez López

Published in: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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For various motives such as routing around scheduled downtimes or escaping price surges, operations engineers of cloud applications are occasionally conducting zero-downtime live migrations. For monolithic virtual machine-based applications, this process has been studied extensively. In contrast, for composite microservice applications new challenges arise due to the need for a transactional migration of all constituent microservice implementations such as platform-specific light-weight containers and volumes. This paper outlines the challenges in the general heterogeneous case and solves them partially for a specialised inhomogeneous case based on the OpenShift and Kubernetes application models. Specifically, the paper describes our contributions in terms of tangible application models, tool designs, and migration evaluation. From the results, we reason about possible solutions for the general heterogeneous case.

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Transactional Migration of Inhomogeneous Composite Cloud Applications
Josef Spillner
Manuel Ramírez López
Copyright Year

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