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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

9. Transition of Earthquake Hazards into Disasters

Authors : Afroz Ahmad Shah, M. Gazali Rachman, Muhsana Mahoor

Published in: Natural Hazards and Risk Mitigation

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The global burden of earthquake hazards has intensified over the decades, particularly in developing countries with inadequate safety measures. Despite two centuries of progress in earthquake science, including mapping fault systems and establishing seismic building codes, many high-risk nations have failed to implement these regulations effectively. This paper advocates for a paradigm shift in addressing earthquake hazards by proposing a dedicated UN forum to enhance global mitigation efforts. Simultaneously, it calls for developing comprehensive nationwide preparedness frameworks aimed at reducing vulnerability and saving lives.
The global burden of earthquake hazards, which have increasingly turned into disasters, has grown over the decades, particularly in countries with inadequate earthquake safety measures. This risk is especially pronounced in much of the developing world. For over two centuries, advances in earthquake science have led to mapping fault systems and establishing seismic building codes, warning systems, and other protective measures. However, in many high-risk countries—such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Haiti, and Morocco—these regulations remain under-implemented despite the known dangers. Recent disasters, such as the 2023 earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, which claimed more than 50,000 lives, and the moderate but deadly earthquake in Morocco that killed over 2,000, underscore the urgent need for a more robust response. Both well-mapped and lesser-known fault systems continue to pose significant threats, especially in the Global South, where the impacts of such disasters disproportionately affect millions of people. This paper argues for a paradigm shift in addressing earthquake hazards, drawing inspiration from the climate change discourse at the United Nations. Establishing a dedicated UN forum for earthquake hazards could catalyze global efforts to enhance mitigation and adaptation strategies, paving the way for a safer future. Additionally, the development of comprehensive, nationwide earthquake preparedness frameworks is critical. Addressing long-standing gaps in mitigation and adaptation could significantly improve countries' vulnerability profiles and save countless lives.

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Transition of Earthquake Hazards into Disasters
Afroz Ahmad Shah
M. Gazali Rachman
Muhsana Mahoor
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore