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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Transonic Buffet Simulation Using a Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Approach

Authors : Andrea Petrocchi, Rene Steijl, George N. Barakos

Published in: Advanced Computational Methods and Design for Greener Aviation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This work investigates the ability of the partially averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) method to accurately predict self-sustained shock oscillations, also known as transonic buffet, on a supercritical aerofoil at high Reynolds numbers. Attention is paid to the comparison with unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) results to show the benefits of PANS, in resolving flow unsteadiness on affordable CFD grids. The role of the mesh metrics in the formulation of the PANS model is emphasized, as well as the relation of the mesh metrics with the spatiotemporal discretisation used for the numerical simulations. The aim is to extend the use of PANS to flow cases involving shock-wave boundary layer interactions to obtain accurate predictions without the need for very expensive computations.

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Transonic Buffet Simulation Using a Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Approach
Andrea Petrocchi
Rene Steijl
George N. Barakos
Copyright Year

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